四種顏色, 四場音樂會 4 colors, 4 concerts
Klaus Bru 許郁瑛 共同策畫 Directed by Klaus Bru and YuYing Hsu
Start Time: 9.30pm
Entrance Fee: $200
2014 年二月的連續四個週三晚, 染色星期三 (Tinted Wednesdays) 將在台北市最棒的爵士酒吧 Sappho為大家帶來四場以不同顏色為主題的音樂會:藍 (Feb 5), 綠 (Feb 12), 紫 (Feb 19), 黃 (Feb 26)
On 4 consecutive Wednesdays in February 2014, Tinted Wednesdays brings 4 concerts in 4 different colors: BLUE (Feb 5), GREEN (Feb 12), PURPLE (Feb 19), YELLOW (Feb 26). The location is Sappho, Taipei’s No. 1 Jazz club. Shows start at 21:30. Tickets are 200 NT.
不同的色彩代表了不同的氣氛、不同的曲風、不同的彈奏方式以及不同的樂團編制, 染色星期三 (Tinted Wednesdays) 根據藍、綠、紫、黃分別企劃其專屬的音樂概念, 將爵士、自由即興、華語流行歌等融合呈現, 不設限、新穎且打破常規的音樂風格為台灣音樂市場注入一股新活力。
Tinted Wednesdays introduces music rooted in jazz, with a look over the fence towards the uncommon. Each concert is headlined by a different color representing an atmosphere, a way of playing, or a way of selecting and organizing the music. Tinted Wednesdays is a showcase of the creative music scene of Taiwan.
—– 二月五日FEB 5: 藍 BLUE —–
藍 色, 是海洋也是天空, 也是邁爾士・戴維斯「泛藍調調」中獨 特的氛圍。今晚我們將為音樂染上一抹藍, 請您一同來感受純正爵士五重奏的魅力。
The ocean, the sky: Blue. A color with a mood similar to that famous record of Miles Davis: Kind of Blue. Come over for a night of blue-tinted, watery, oceanic jazz from some of the best musicians on this island.
Olivier Baron: Trumpet, Flugelhorn
Klaus Bru: C-Saxes, Flute
YuYing Hsu 許郁瑛: Piano
Vincent Hsu 徐崇育: Double Bass
Adam Sorensen: Drums
—– 二月十二日FEB 12: 綠 GREEN —–
對許多音樂家來說, 音樂的十二個調性分別有其專屬的色彩, 究竟什麼顏色可以代表什麼調性呢?以目前的科學研究來說並沒有一個結論。究竟綠色可以代表 F 調呢?還是臨近的 升 F 調或 E 調?請您一同來感受這不尋常的三重奏組合所演奏的綠意。
If a musical key represents a color, then which color represents which key? According to scientific research on the phenomenon of synesthesia (the ability to connect colors with music) there is no general rule.Will “GREEN” be in F, or F sharp, or even E? No answer provided, but expect to be astonished by a trio with a thoroughly green-tinted sound.
Klaus Bru: Electric C-Saxes
Matthew Fullen: Piano
Chuck Payne: The Drums
—– 二月十九日 FEB 19: 紫 PURPLE —–
What do you associate with purple? A throbbing heartbeat, grand emotions, big drama, crying, sobbing, laughing at the same time? That’s right! Join us for a night of exaggerated music gestures. Let’s be over the top together.
Klaus Bru: Electronic Saxophone
YuYing Hsu 許郁瑛: Piano, Synthesizer
Ying-Da Chen 陳穎達: Guitar
Shih-Yang Lee 李世揚: Synthesizer, Piano
Fao Torres: Percussion
—– 二月二十六日 FEB 26: 黃 YELLOW —–
一個簡單的發想:台灣人的皮膚是什麼顏色呢?也許黃種人這個稱呼已經給予了答案。您每天生活在寶島上最常聽到也最熟悉的是什麼音樂呢?想必是華語流行歌曲吧!今晚我們將顛覆您心中的流行音樂樣貌, 請一同來 Sappho 感受吧!
This is a simple idea: yellow is the skin of Chinese people, and we are in Taiwan, and what do we hear when we turn on the radio? Chinese Pop Music! Be assured though, that tonight’s Chinese Pop Music will sound very different from what you hear on the radio every day.
劉思傑 Si-Jie Liu: 二胡 Erhu
Klaus Bru: C-Saxes, Flute
Yu-Ying Hsu 許郁瑛: Piano, Synthesizer
Cody Byassee: Percussion
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