『愛是我的自由~Free to love 』首映派對MV release party..by 方恩沁 Eunice Png

『愛是我的自由~Free to love 』首映派對MV release party..by 方恩沁 Eunice Png
Music starts at 8pm,
$300.@ door (includes 1 drink.含一杯飲料)
Call for reserved 2 tickets only $500 (before 3/8th)
Sappho tel: 27005411 call after 7:30pm後 (Tue四~Sun日)

方恩沁 Eunice Png

我很高興“3/9號“可以跟大家分享我的新歌『愛是我的自由』!不管同性或異性,都可以勇敢去愛,這首歌詞裡有著童話般的熱戀情節又搭配朗朗上口的弦律,正是詮釋著自由的愛,無論性別刻板或其他限制都毫無阻礙這一切,只要勇敢去追那所謂的幸福就值得了,我想……就藉由這首來傳遞愛與被愛的權利吧! 在MV故事裡頭出現的情侶,分別是一對異性情侶.大學女生情侶.剛進入熱戀中的男情侶,儘管是三對不一樣的戀人,在我們眼中他們的故事卻依然是令人稱現的。 我很幸運地擁有一群精於各專長的朋友來幫我,經過數月的奮鬥,我已等不及3/9號將我的新歌發佈給大家聽了!由衷的希望你們能和我一樣喜歡這首歌.喜歡這個故事,就讓我們奮力的表達出我們選擇的”愛“和傳遞這首歌的意念吧! 我們將會在3/9號首映我們『愛是我的自由』的新歌MV,地點是在Sappho Live Jazz,而當天我也帶著我的樂團一同演出一場很棒的表演給大家,希望你們可以來跟我們一起享受這美麗的夜晚!

I am so excited to announce that the new song I wrote to celebrate that we are all “Free to Love” who we choose is going to be released on March 9th! I think it’s about time I do my part to spread the message, in Mandarin, that love is universal regardless of gender and orientation! The lyrics paint little pictures of all the things that make us fall in love, and the melody is super catchy.

The music video follows three distinct couples: a straight couple, a young lesbian couple, and a budding romance between two handsome men. Despite their apparent differences, we’ll see that their stories are very relatable.

I am so thankful to have such beautiful and talented friends. After months of hard work, I can’t wait for our baby to be released to the digital world on March 9th! I hope you will like the song and story just as much as I do! Please show the love and help me spread the message that we are all “Free to Love” who we choose.

Last but not least, let’s get together to celebrate the launch of my new MV “Free to Love,” on 3/9 at Sappho Live Jazz. We will have a full band performance from 8-9pm, premier our MV, and after, the night is ours to mingle!



Eunice Png is a Singaporean singer-songwriter based in Taipei. She previously released three EPs, two in English and one demo-EP in Mandarin (available on itunes, spotify, etc.). She writes music that covers a wide range of genres including Rock-Pop, R&B pop, Folk-pop. Her latest single“Free to Love” will be released on March 9th, 2014.



薛哈姆 – Acoustic Guitar

Shih-chun Lee – Electric Guitar

ChihYang Hsieh –   Bass

Andrew Salim – Drums


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