Minyen Hsieh Trio Feat. Stijn Cools


Minyen Hsieh Trio Feat. Stijn Cools

Entrance Fee 門票: $200

music starts 表演 : 9.30pm


Minyen Hsieh   Saxophone

Ikeda Kinya      Bass

Stijn Cools(BE) Drums

Stijn Cools (Belgium) https://soundcloud.com/stijncools

The musical activity of Stijn Cools is playing drums in a wide variety of styles, by preference always linked with improvisation music. He creates work as a sounddesigner/electronic musician, and plays UDU with a traditional ghatam style inspired technique. Experimenting with rhythm and sound, and the interest in solid artistic concepts are big sources for his artistic development. Having degrees in Architecture and Scenography, makes without a doubt its daily contributions to his developments in the musical field. Recently Stijn started dedicating himself to doing production work in the audiofield (recording/mixing/mastering), and founded “granvat” with his brother Bert Cools. (www.granvat.com)

Studied drums with Dré Pallemaerts and Stéphane Galland.

In 2009 he won the “Gent Young Jazz talent price” with Bender Banjax, and in 2010 the “Toots Thielemans Jazz Award” at the royal conservatory of Bruxelles.

來自比利時安特衛普的鼓手Stijn Cools 畢業於布魯塞爾皇家音樂院,是比利時這個世代最傑出的音樂家之一。師承比利時當代最具特色的兩位優秀鼓手Dré Pallemaerts和 Stéphane Galland。曾經於2009年與Bender Banjax一同獲得”Gent Young Jazz Talent Price”。 2010布魯塞爾皇家音樂院的 “Toots Thielemans Jazz Award”。從傳統原音到電子前衛聲響,遊走於了許多不同籓籬的各種即興音樂場合。而對於擁有建築和劇場多媒體雙文憑的他而言,同時用建構邏輯的角度來剖析音樂的節奏與聲音,再融合劇場的戲劇張力來注入音樂的詮釋,也因此讓Stijn Cools的音樂更具多樣性。



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