Rit Xu Quintet 許凱翔五重奏

許凱翔 Rit Xu 五重奏
Rit Xu is an internationally award-winning flutist whose artistic practice is in solo, chamber and large-ensemble improvisation, original compositions as well as jazz and music pedagogy.
As a performer, he has emerged as a leading light of his generation and is gaining international recognition for his lyrical, thoughtful and introspective musical voice on the flute. His passionate, wholehearted and at times fiery performances has earned the admiration of fans and fellow musicians worldwide. In 2014, Rit won the United States National Flute Association (NFA) Jazz Artist Competition, making him the first Southeast Asian to win a solo jazz competition in the United States
flute. 許凱翔 RIT XU
guitar. 葉賀璞 HOPE YEH
piano. 葉政廷 TIM YEH
drums. 黃子瑜 TZU YU “FISH” HUANG
Music Starts 表演 :
8:30pm (Weekdays/週日.二.三.四.)
9pm (Fri&Sat/ 週五.六)
Music charge 音樂門票費:
$300 + 低消$160起.
+ Minimum One Drink Purchase
Business Hour 營業時間 : 7pm~2am/3am(Fri&Sat)
*Serving food & Drink/供餐飲

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