在台灣這個艱困及稀少的SKA世界裡, 他們在團長湯馬世的引領之下SKARAOKE已經成為台灣獨一無二的指標性樂團! 他們穿戴著紳士帽, 窄版領帶及西裝吊帶, 就如同圖片中的老派爵士樂手一般~ 彷彿讓人回到了以前的爵士經典, 卻又有著他們特別的島國搖擺風味!
“Skaraoke is a Taiwanese ska band.
Their music is as ska as it gets with a twist of swing jazz. The band always has a goal of making sure people on and off stage moves their bodies to the grooves.
Boasting numerous live performances as a band, it took the band quite a while to finally release their debut studio album in 2021.
Check out how ska, swing jazz, catchy English and Mandarin pop melodies are combined with psychedelic dub tunes.” -Taiwan Beats/Spotlight On
Music Starts 表演 :
Music charge 音樂門票費:
$300 (Wed三) &
$400(Fri五/Sat六/Holiday假日) + 低消一杯飲料
+ Minimum One Drink Purchase
Business Hour 營業時間 : 8pm~2am/3am(Tue/Fri/Sat)
*Serving food & Drink/供餐飲

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