The Wild Alibis

The Wild Alibis
Inspired by music from the juke joints of Mississippi and Chicago and the honky tonks of Tennessee, The Wild Alibis play electric blues, rumbas, funk, swamp, country, west coast, and more.
受到來自密西西比及芝加哥小酒館內點唱機傳唱的老藍調啟發, 再加上田納西如鳴喇叭般高亢流暢的口琴聲, 沒有比這個更道地的藍調!
Lanny Waugh – guitar/vocals
Charles McHale – trumpet/harp
Josh Schaffer– saxophone
Zha Zha – bass
Ah-Kang Hsu – drums
▪︎Music Starts 表演 :
9:30pm (五Fri &六Sat )
▪︎Music charge 音樂門票費:
$400.(Fri五/Sat六/Holiday假日) + 低消一杯飲料
+ Minimum One Drink Purchase
▪︎Serving food & Drink/供餐飲
▪︎訂位請撥02-25819874 週二至週六晚上8點後。
For reservation please call 02-25819874 after 8:00pm Tues ~Sat.
▪︎Business Hour 營業時間 : 8pm~2am/3am(二·五·六/Tue·Fri·Sat)
※Closed on Sun & Mon.

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