▪︎Door Open 入場: 8:00pm
(Serving food & Drink /供餐飲)
▪︎Music Starts/表演 :
● 9:00pm~11:00pm
《 Amanda Jazz Night 》
▪︎Music Charge/音樂門票 $500.
(Minimum of one drink purchase is required per set)
● 11:30pm~1:30am
《 Late Night Jam Hosted by Sappho Jazz Band 》
▪︎Music Charge/門票 : $300.
(低消一杯飲料/ Minimum of one drink purchase)
☆來Jam 的樂手11pm後免費入場,低消1杯飲料.
Musicians playing at the jam sessions free entrance after 11pm + Minimum one drink purchase
● 9:00pm
《Amanda Jazz Night》
..屬於女人們的夜晚— Amanda Jazz Night 將帶來一場致敬古今爵士女伶的特別演出!從 Diana Krall、Melody Gardot 到 Amy Winehouse,精選一系列經典曲目,帶您走進迷人的爵士世界。
小號 X 小提琴 特別編制的樂團,以獨特聲響交織古典與爵士元素。再加上 Amanda 渾厚且極具魅力的嗓音,為您帶來一場深情而充滿張力的音樂旅程。
A night dedicated to women—Amanda Jazz Night presents a special tribute to legendary jazz divas past and present! From Diana Krall and Melody Gardot to Amy Winehouse, featuring a mesmerizing selection of timeless songs.
With a unique ensemble of trumpet and violin, this performance blends classical and jazz elements into a rich, dynamic soundscape. Paired with Amanda’s deep, soulful, and captivating voice, the night promises an emotional and powerful musical journey.
演出人員編制 Line Up
鋼琴手Piano:蔡定揚 Davis Tasi
小號Trumpet:梁玉軒 Chloe Liang
小提琴Violin:黃心俞 Hsin-Yu Huang
低音提琴Double Bass:
謝智揚 Chih-Yang Hsieh
▪︎訂位請撥02-25819874 週二至週六7:30pm後。
For reservation please call 02-25819874 after 7:30pm Tues ~Sat.
▪︎Business Hour 營業時間 : 8:00pm~凌晨2:00/3:00(二·五·六/Tue·Fri·Sat)
※Closed on Sun & Mon.
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