卡到音Ka Dao Yin《慢 Slow》

卡到音Ka Dao Yin《慢 Slow》

Start Time: 9.30pm

Entrance Fee: $350 Including a drink


使之慢也,不畏。The world is moving fast. We do slow music, by design.

卡到音,為台北著名的世界音樂即興樂團,首張專輯《四字成語》榮獲第三屆金音創作獎(最佳爵士專輯,並以《神采飛揚》勇奪最佳爵士單曲)兩 個獎項,同時入圍最佳新人團體。演出經驗豐富多元,更曾受林靖傑導演之邀,參與拍攝文學大師王文興的紀錄片《尋找背海的人》。亦不斷與其他藝 術工作者嘗試多元合作, 如《暮色》更是為台北詩歌節聲音詩得獎作品。並於2012至2013年間兩度受邀至台中爵士音樂節,2013年10月應文化部之邀於巴黎外國文化週與多國 藝術家們合作演出,包括來自臺灣及日義德法的舞者、現代作曲家、音樂家等等,廣獲好評。

卡到音的團名取自英文諧音 (to be caught up in 意為陷入),說明了即興演奏時遭遇的危險與不確定性,出神沉溺的某種膠著狀態。所呈現的前衛聲響實驗、民族樂風的自然純樸、古典的嚴謹思考、爵士搖滾的律 動,企圖發展出一種難以定義,具多元性且融合的新式音樂風格。團員包含李世揚 (鋼琴)、劉俊德 (古箏)、李俐錦 (笙)、Klaus Bru (薩克斯風)。

這張專輯的主要概念來自於臺灣隨處可見的”慢”字,它可能出現在馬路或標誌上,試圖告訴我們將速度放慢,當然,有時並非相當成功。因此,卡到 音將這素材提取出來,反映在音樂思想上:不僅是單純的音樂,而是一張“概念專輯”。卡到音用一個有趣的想法和一連串的音樂片段,幫助人們從不 斷行進的生活中安靜下來,用慢的態度打造屬於心的音樂。《慢Slow》,是對於所有人的邀請,你可以坐下(或躺著),閉上眼,值得一次次的聆 聽。

第二張專輯《慢 Slow》期待能用這樣屬於臺灣的獨特風景和引發的態度,讓更多人慢下來,發現並聽見生活中的美好,慢/SLOW這個概念可以如同漣漪般不斷的擴展持續, 它,不僅僅是一張專輯,而是讓人去聆聽,只有我們自己能聽見的聲音。


Ka Dao Yin, acclaimed world music improvisation ensemble from Taipei, double winner of the “Taiwan Golden Indie Music Awards 2012”, has recently its second CD entitled “Slow”.

The name 卡到音 (pronounced Kǎ Dào Yīn) refers to a wordplay meaning “to be caught up in something”, often with an obsessive undertone. Ka Dao Yin makes use of a characteristic mix of Western and Traditional Chinese musical instruments, and blends Eastern ethnic music traditions with modern Western improvisation concepts. The group is co-led by Taiwanese pianist Shih-Yang Lee (李世揚) and German born C-saxophonist Klaus Bru. The other two members of the group are highly accomplished performers with a strong background in traditional Chinese music: Chun-De Liu (劉俊德 ) on Guzheng (Chinese Zither), and Li-Chin Li (李俐錦 ) on sheng (Chinese Mouth organ).

Behind Ka Dao Yin’s new album stands a concept: The title “slow” was inspired by the character 慢, which can often be seen on Taiwanese roads, telling drivers to go slower (although not always successfully). Here it signals the intention to create music with a purpose beyond just being mere music: a concept album, a useful thing, a sequence of music pieces that can help people to quiet down from their busy lives. “slow” is an invitation to take the time to sit back (or lie down), close the eyes, and listen. Once, or more than once.

For their first CD “Four Characters”, Ka Dao Yin received the “Taiwan Golden Indie Music Award 2012” in two categories, and was nominated for “Best New Band”. Ka Dao Yin has performed numerous concerts in Taiwan and Europe, was invited twice to the Taichung Jazz Festival (2012, 2013), and to the “Semaine des cultures étrangères” (2013) in Paris, has released film music, and collaborated with dancers, contemporary composers, sound artists, and musicians from Japan, Germany, Italy, France, and Taiwan.



CD TRAILER: http://youtu.be/5lt7b20b8PE

YOUTUBE PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLux8YYrpY8pVWh_85tWFPs8YAtzB7xfib



EMAIL: kadaoyin@gmail.com

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