台北隔離之王Taipei QTK

加拿大籍的吉他手霍班(Benjamin Holt),在世界各地皆有演出經驗,今年剛從美國德州達拉斯(Dallas, Texas)搬來台灣。擁有多年演奏與錄音經驗的霍班,其音樂就像變色龍一般,能夠悠遊自在地彈奏各種曲風,諸如黑人福音音樂、爵士樂、藍調音樂、美國鄉村音樂,與當代流行歌曲。多樣的演奏風格之精髓,最終都融合到霍班的靈魂爵士演奏當中。
在去年的五月,霍班與達拉斯當地最出色的年輕爵士音樂家,組成了以霍班為首的靈魂爵士樂團「隔離之王(Qurantine King, QTK)」,該樂團已錄製音樂,並預計於今年發行首張專輯。甫移居台灣的霍班,將與台灣最優秀的樂手合作,在亞洲各地分享令人興奮的靈魂爵士音樂:「台北隔離之王(Qurantine King Taipei, TPE QTK)」正式與大家見面!
台北隔離之王TPE QTK樂手包括:
團長&吉他手 霍班(Benjamin Holt, 🇨🇦
薩克斯風手 凱文(Hao-wen Cheng, 🇹🇼
Organ 劉 (Yung-han Liu, 🇹🇼
鼓手 (Cody Biasee, 🇺🇸
聽眾將聽到台北隔離之王帶來經典的靈魂爵士樂,其曲調時髦、深情,並帶有濃厚的藍調情緒,與強烈的律動表現。樂團的音樂深受爵士電風琴大師娃娃臉魏勒(Baby Face Willette)、喬伊.迪佛朗西斯科(Joey Defrancesco)、理查・荷姆斯(Richard ‘Groove’ Holmes),和爵士薩克斯風手弗雷德・傑克森(Fred Jackson)、路.唐諾森(Lou Donaldson),和史坦利‧圖倫汀(Stanley Turrentine)等音樂家的影響。台北隔離之王將帶來自由的聲響,期待大家一起來參與這場音樂派對!
Guitarist Benjamin Holt, recently moved to Taiwan from Dallas, Texas where he spent many years performing in the Texas music scene. A chameleon who played in the churches, jazz clubs, dive bars, honky tonks, Benjamin’s diverse set of performance experiences culminate into his signature soul jazz sound.
In 2020, Benjamin formed his soul jazz group ‘The Quarantine Kings’ (QTK) with some of the finest jazz musicians in Dallas, Texas. This group will be releasing their debut album later this year. Now that he has relocated to Taiwan Benjamin has teamed up with the finest players in Taiwan to form an exciting new version of his group he calls the Taipei QTK!
Taipei QTK includes:
Benjamin Holt – Guitar
Haowen – Saxophone
Yung-Han Liu – Organ
Cody Biasee – Drums
Listeners can expect to hear funky, bluesy, soulful, and swinging renditions of classic soul jazz tunes. They are heavily influenced by artists such as Baby Face Willette, Joey Defranceso, Richard ‘Groove’ Holmes, Fred Jackson, Lou Donaldson, Stanley Turrentine, and more!
▪︎Music Starts 表演 : 9:00pm(二Tues/三Wed/四Thur)
9:30pm (五Fri &六Sat )
▪︎Music charge 音樂門票費:
$400.(Fri五/Sat六/Holiday假日) + 低消一杯飲料
+ Minimum One Drink Purchase
▪︎Serving food & Drink/供餐飲
▪︎訂位請撥02-25819874 週二至週六晚上8點後。
For reservation please call 02-25819874 after 8:00pm Tues ~Sat.
▪︎Business Hour 營業時間 : 8pm~2am/3am(二·五·六/Tue·Fri·Sat)
※Closed on Sun & Mon.

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