Music Starts 表演 :
● 9:00pm~$400
《市川美鈴&松原慶史 & TWN Friends 》
● 11:30pm~$200
《 Late Night Jam Hosted by Ikumi Koyama Trio 》
▪︎Door Open 入場 : 8:00pm
(Serving food & Drink /供餐飲)
▪︎(低消一杯飲料 Minimum One Drink Purchase)
Musicians playing at the jam sessions free entrance after 11pm + Minimum One Drink Purchase
● 9:00pm
市川美鈴&松原慶史 & TWN Friends
市川美鈴 on Vocal
松原慶史 on Guitar
劉育嘉 on Upright Bass
黃子瑜 on Drum Set
▪︎市川美鈴 Misuzu Ichikawa ~ Vocals
Born in Yokohama, Misuzu Ichikawa started singing when she was 6 years old with a local junior chorus group. She started singing in a big band while working at Toyota. In 2008 she went to NY to study with singers that she’s been looking up to for a long time such as Jane Monheit and Emily Braden.
She has won a New Face Award of Japanese jazz magazine “Jazz World”.
Now she performs at many of well known jazz clubs in Tokyo area. Her crystal clear voice with high level vocal technique are highly evaluated by musicians and fans in Tokyo.
▪︎Yoshifumi Matsubara 松原慶史 ~Guitar
Originaly from Shizuoka Japan, Yoshifumi Matsubara started playing guitar at 14 years old. He majored in Jazz Studies at University of North Texas since 2006, actively performed with many musicians in Dallas FortWorth area. Yoshi moved to NY in 2010 and released his first album “Victory Dance”.
Since moving back to Tokyo in 2011 just after the tragic earth quake, he stays busy performing in Tokyo Jazz scene. He won the Gibson Jazz Guitar Competition in Tokyo 2016, released two albums in “Angel’s Share” (2018) “Acoustic Sessions”(2019). Yoshi’s youtube channel has more than 10,000 subscribers and recently he is also working as a vocalist.
▪︎劉育嘉 爵士低音提琴演奏家、作曲家。學習歷程多元、曾就讀國立台南藝術大學中國音 樂學系及國立東華大學音樂系-爵士組、主修低音提琴。曾獲兩廳院最佳Bass手, 並於2015年於兩廳院爵士音樂營-研習營開始擔任教師一職,致力於爵士音樂推 廣教育以及原創音樂發表。2106年榮獲台北爵士樂壇新秀比賽第一名。同年參與 『揮灑烈愛』多媒體跨界音樂劇,於國家音樂廳演出。2018年開始與德裔鋼琴家 Julian Moreen共同策劃『原創音樂巡迴演出計畫』並擔 任台灣及亞洲地區總策劃,並以Julian Moreen為首組成Julian Moreen Quartet。2019年隨Julian Moreen Quartet受邀於台灣台中爵士音樂節演出、並 策劃亞洲地區交流與展演。同年參與『瘋戲樂』年度大戲《台灣有個好萊塢》擔任 樂手一職。演出足跡遍及台灣、馬來西亞、新加坡、德國…等等不同國家。擅長與 多元類型團體合作,參與原創發表、電影配樂錄製、專輯錄製、舞蹈、音樂劇、現 代劇場…等誇界藝術發表。
▪︎黃子瑜 Tzu-Yu “Fish” Huang
Huang is a Hong Kong based drummer and an active musician who is easily found in major music festivals and concerts across Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and South-East Asia. Besides recording albums for himself and other musicians, he has emerged as a jazz musician and made himself relevant in jazz in the past few years. Huang was also dubbed as the Best Drummer of Yamaha Asian Beat Grand Final, and started his career in the entertainment industry with a contract signed with B’in Music in 2012. He is currently an endorser for Canopus Drums & Meinl Cymbals.
《 Late Night Jam Hosted by Ikumi Koyama Trio 》
▪︎訂位請撥02-25819874 週二至週六7:30pm後。
For reservation please call 02-25819874 after 7:30pm Tues ~Sat.
▪︎Business Hour 營業時間 : 8:00pm~凌晨2:00/3:00(二·五·六/Tue·Fri·Sat)
※Closed on Sun & Mon.
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