廖旻瑜 Vivienne ChuLiao Quintet ft. Manvydas Pratkelis

廖旻瑜 Vivienne ChuLiao Quintet ft. Manvydas Pratkelis

Entrance Fee 門票: $400   Including a drink ( 含一杯飲料)

music starts 表演 : 9.30pm


Vivienne ChuLiao       piano

Manvydas Pratkelis    alto aax

Minyen Hsieh               tenor sax

Vincent Hsu                 bass

Weichung Lin              drums


Vivienne ChuLiao quintet

由目前旅荷之爵士鋼琴手Vivienne ChuLiao廖旻瑜邀請國內知名的薩克斯風手謝明諺,貝斯手徐崇育,鼓手林偉中及來自立陶宛的Manvydas Pratkelis所組成。將會帶來許多膾炙人口的爵士經典名曲及Vivienne 的個人創作。每個樂手來自不同背景,但是所熱愛的音樂,想追尋的聲響都是一樣的。JAZZ BRINGS US TOGETHER!


廖旻瑜 Vvienne ChuLiao

爵士鋼琴手。4歲起學習古典鋼琴,11歲學習小提琴,進而學習古典聲樂。18歲考取第一志願台灣師範大學音樂系。畢業後擔任台中縣國立大里(今興大附中)高中音樂科之實習,因優異表現後續任為音樂兼任老師。2009年參加了TISJA台北爵士音樂營,深深受到爵士聲響的衝擊與吸引,下定決心學習爵士。2011年順利考取荷蘭皇家海牙音樂院(Royal Conservatory of The Hague)現就讀四年級主修爵士鋼琴,師事Juraj Stanik。學習期間,曾向許多大師學習並一起演出,如John Ruocco,Eric Ineke,David Liebman,Enrico Pierannunzi…等,並曾在荷蘭各大小城市中演出。今年順利考取皇家海牙音樂院及鹿特丹音樂院之爵士鋼琴碩士。


Manvyda Pratkelis

Manvydas Pratkelis is an incredibly quickly progressing, expressive, highly universal and subtle performer with an astonishing technique and wonderful improvisational abilities. His musical knowledge covers a wide range of musical traditions and styles, starting from early jazz, to be-bop, free jazz, fusion, contemporary, hip-hop, funk, R&B styles, which gives him an incredible freedom of performing and producing complex improvisations in any of those styles.

Nevertheless, Manvydas is extremely concentrated in refining his own unique sound, composing his own music and exploring new musical ideas and waves in order to achieve musical exclusivity and recognition. He has his own band named ‘Big Little Emotions Trio’, revealing as a powerful and expressive band, with a particularly modern and intense sound. In 2013 they had toured in the Europe.

Among many other national and international awards, Manvydas holds a Grand Prix won in international competition ‘Vilnius Jazz Young Power’ in 2010, with a duo combination of saxophone and drums.

Currently Manvydas is studying in the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague (Netherlands) with renowned jazz saxophone and clarinet player and teacher John Ruocco.


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