Aashti Farewell Concert

Aashti -A Musical Caravan that Delivers the Sound of Peace and Hope

Entrance Fee 門票: $400   Including a drink ( 含一杯飲料)

music starts 表演 : 9.30pm

( “當晚所有入場者接獲贈小禮一份” / Small gift for all entries)


Aashti 汎絲路樂團  –遞送和平之音的駱駝商隊


2008年春天,來自馬其頓與台灣的“絲路愛樂人”組成了以波斯文代表「和解、共生」之意的 “Aashti”汎絲路樂團”,從臺北這個逐漸體現絲路精神的國際都會開始,譜出了具有豐沛文化生命力的福爾摩沙島有史以來最多采多姿的絲路樂章。六年多來,在全台各個文化聚點、節慶與校園以及北京、廣州、珠海等城市,接近100場的演出,讓古代歐亞大陸的傳奇跨越了時空、透過音樂,向人們訴說這當中一篇篇精采絕倫的奇幻故事。此時,在2014年底這轉變的時刻,Aashti 的絲路愛樂人們因著各別人生旅程的規劃,也即將與多年來不斷地支持他們、以及台灣世界音樂小園地的所有樂迷好朋友們説再見了! 再見並不代表結束,而是迎向一個嶄新未來的開始。是的,也許暫時、也許好久以後、也許永遠不再,無論如何,衷心希望在這「永恆的當下」,可以再一次與樂迷朋友們分享這充滿異國風情的絲路音樂之美,以巴爾幹最動感、悠揚的馬其頓民謠,唱奏出一整列駱駝商隊的壯闊與驚喜,為台灣的未來、以及這個世界的和平與茁壯祈願。


安立倫 (Angel Cvetkov) / 民謠演唱

亞歷山大 (Aleksandar Stamatov) / 彈卜拉, 演唱

張宜蓁 (Janelle Chang/ 鍵盤、小提琴、薩塔

莊嘉維 (Kelvin Chung) / 低音提琴

鄭雅心 (Yahsin Cheng)  / 伊朗手鼓、中東鼓、打擊



A Musical Caravan that Delivers the Sound of Peace and Hope

“The Night of Thanksgiving” Farewell Concert


In the summer of 2008, a concert in Taipei brought together six “Balkan music lovers”, from Macedonia and Taiwan to form a Silk Road oriented band named “Aashti”, a Persian word meaning “Reconciliation and Symbiosis”. Ever since, the band has created one of the most colourful pages written on Balkan music in Formosa, an Island full of its own rich cultural vitality, by nearly 100 concerts at cultural venues, festivals and campuses through out the country and the cities like Beijing, Guangzhou and Zhuhai. Considered as the synonym of the music of the Silk Road in Taiwan, Aashti‘s musical spectrum encompasses Balkan mountain songs and dance music, mysterious tunes of Orthodox Christianity and Sufism, as well as Mediterranean accentuated charms of drumming.  Always being at the crossroad between East and West, the Balkan music has long sought to reconcile the differences in the musical styles which encounter and reveal a universal harmony that underlines them.


At the end of 2014, seeming like the turning moment for many people here in Taiwan, Aashti is unfortunately, also going to announce its official disbanding after six years and 5 months since formed, due to the members’ individual agenda. To say goodbye doesn’t mean to put an end to the music making of the band, instead, to welcome a future full of potential and capacity, maybe for temporary, for a few years away, or a lifetime’s never-again. Nevertheless, what’s eternal is always the “present”. Thus, you are cordially invited to enjoy this eternal moment full of thanksgiving and the fascination of music from the Balkans. Piece by piece, let’s all get stunned at the wonder of all the stories. Through Aashti, this music will be once again striving to transcend the space between East and West and, to wish the everlasting peace and love for Taiwan and the world.

Angel Cvetkov / Vocal

Aleksandar Stamatov / Tambura, Vocal

Janelle Chang / Keyboard, Violin, Satar

Kelvin Chung / Bass

Yahsin Cheng / Zarb, Darbuka, Percussions

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