“Brazilian Jazz” Andy Jaffe & John Yeh and Friends + Late Night Jam

“Brazilian Jazz”
Andy Jaffe & John Yeh and Friends + Late Night Jam

Andy Jaffe has been an active jazz composer, performer, recording artist and jazz educator for more than three decades and has appeared as a guest lecturer, artist and conductor in Germany, Slovakia, New Zealand, Malta, and France, among many other places around the globe. During the past 38 years, Jaffe’s teaching gigs included stints at the Berklee College of Music, the Institut Musical de formation Professionelle in Nimes, France and the Afro-American Music and Jazz program at UMASS Amherst. He has also been on the faculty at Tufts University, Amherst and Smith Colleges, and the Tainan (Taiwan) National University of the Arts, among many other institutions. He is presently the Lyell B. Clay Artist in Residence in Jazz, former Director of Jazz Activities and former Artistic Director of the Williamstown Jazz Festival at Williams College, teaching courses in jazz theory, improvisation, arranging and composition, the history of jazz composition and on the music of Duke Ellington and John Coltrane. He also teaches at the low residency MFA program in Music Composition at The Vermont College of Fine Arts.

【簡介】葉宗翰John T Yeh…來自巴西的音樂家。
1969年出生在台灣,父親是牧師,在教會裡長大,從小就跟著母親學琴看譜。6歲時全家移民巴西聖保羅宣教,7歲時在華裔音樂家Suzana 梁門下正式學習樂理及彈琴技巧,從此打下深厚的音樂基礎。1983年就考進入巴西里國家音樂學院,在校表現優異,學有所成。

巴西是個浪漫、熱情的國家,生活周遭充滿了音樂與舞蹈。為了方便即時的表演環境,John T Yeh苦練吉他,也將吉他彈的出神入化,受到許多巴西音樂界的重視..

2000年因父親轉到美國宣教,John T Yeh 也陪同前往。他開始拿把吉他,在美國各處餐廳、酒吧、夜總會表演。他將美國的爵士、靈魂、藍調..整合到巴西的音樂巴薩諾瓦裡,讓他的演奏具有特色。巴薩諾瓦(Bossa Nova)是一種融合巴西森巴舞曲和美國酷派爵士的「新派爵士樂」,乍聽簡潔輕快,但結構複雜,樂器的音階或和絃轉換的行進方式變幻莫測。這讓他的表演越來越受歡迎,常受邀前往英國、歐洲諸國、甚至中國大陸去表演。

2018年老父親退休返台定居。John T Yeh 事親至孝,也決定回台灣。同時可以將他數十年在巴西、美國所學的美好音樂,回到自己的故鄉散播與分享。希望這次返台,能讓巴西音樂….豐富台灣的音樂文化。

Entrance Fee 入場費: $300
Minimum One Drink Purchase 低消1杯飲料
Bar Opens 營業時間 : 8pm~3am(Serving food & Drink/供餐飲)
Music Starts 表演 : 9.30pm

For Table Reservations Call : 2700-5411 (Call After 7:30pm Any Night Except Monday)

預約訂位專線:2700-5411 (除週一公休日外, 請於每日晚上7:30後來電)

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