Clave Band
由香港藝術中心主辦、大家樂集團贊助及著名音樂家龔志成先生策劃的《大家樂壇x開放音樂》Indie Showcase音樂會在2018年12月12日順利舉行,樂隊Clave在4隊候選音樂單位中脫穎而出,成為最終被遴選的隊伍!
經過兩位評審Teriver Cheung和Mike Orange一連六堂的大師班訓練後,Clave將會參與音樂交流計劃《亞洲遊樂行》。本年度《亞洲遊樂行》會將Clave帶到台灣進行一連三站的小型巡演,包括《Sappho Live Jazz Bar》、《台北統一百貨-弛放音樂節》與《河岸留言-音樂藝文咖啡》。
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Clave 介紹
Facebook – Clave
Instagram – clave_official
Elle 鍵盤手及主音
Vivienne 主音
Larry 結他手
Anson 低音結他手
Horace 鼓手
King 管樂手
Clave是一種源於非洲非裔古巴人爵士樂的樂器及節拍,常用於各種音樂類型,例如:森巴、爵士樂、莎莎等等。這種節拍能出現在不同類型的音樂裡,以不同的面貌融入音樂之中。Clave成立於2015年尾,初期以neo-soul風格為主,期後把funk, city-pop, fusion等風格加入創作中,希望與「Clave」一樣,能創作出不同風格的音樂,亦以各種不同的聲音呈現成員們理想中的律動。
Presented by Hong Kong Arts Centre, sponsored by Café De Coral Group & curated by Mr. Kung Chi Shing, the Indie Showcase music concert under the programme of “2018 Café De Coral Music Station X Hong Kong Arts Centre Open Music Series” which was scheduled on 12 Dec 2018, has been held successfully. Among four candidate bands, a local band Clave, stood out from the crowd and became the overall champion.
After six master class trainings given by judges – Teriver Cheung and Mike Orange, Clave will participate in a music exchange program, “Asia Exchange Tour”. This year, Clave was given an opportunity to be involved in a series of music performances in Taiwan including three stations: “Sappho Live Jazz Bar”, “Uni-UStyle Taipei Store – Summer Chill Festival” and “Riverside Live House – Riverside Music Cafe”.
“CDC Music Station X HKAC Open Music Series” Asia Exchange Tour: Clave @Taipei
“Café De Coral Music Station X Hong Kong Arts Centre Open Music Series” are co-organized by Café de Coral and Hong Kong Arts Centre. This programme is an all-round music education programme curated by a famous local musician Kung Chi Shing, aiming to promote local creative music and cultivate new generation musicians.
Music Genre
Facebook – Clave
Instagram – clave_official
Elle —
Keyboardist & Vocal
Anson –Bassist
Horace –Drummer
King –Woodwinds
Clave, as a rhythmic pattern, has lots of way to express the groove. It is commonly used for temporal organisation in Afro-Cuban Jazz. It can also be found in different kind of music such as samba, jazz, salsa etc. We describe clave as a diversified and flexible pattern. We started the band Clave in late 2015, with a few original songs with neo-soul, R&B, Funk and Pop style. We gather to create various genre songs to express our ideal groove.
Music Starts 表演 : 9:30pm
Entrance Fee 入場費: $300 + 低消$150起.
+ Minimum One Drink Purchase
Bar Opens 營業時間 : 8pm~3am(Serving food & Drink/供餐飲)
*For Table Reservations Call : 2700-5411 (Call After 7:30pm Any Night Except Monday)
*預約訂位專線:2700-5411 (除週一公休日外, 請於每日晚上7:30後來電)
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