Coffee & Mango featuring Cait Lin + Late Night with Andy Ferris Trio

Coffee & Mango featuring Cait Lin + Late Night with Andy Ferris Trio
* Door Open at 8pm/入場 (Serving food & Drink /供餐飲)
•Music Charge 音樂門票費: $400.+
Minimum One Drink Purchase)
● 9:00pm~11:00pm
Coffee & Mango featuring Cait Lin
Coffee & Mango performs 100% original Jazz-Funk Fusion, written by British bassist and bandleader Andy Smith. Andy has taken his love of Funk, Soul, Latin and RnB styles, infused them with Jazz sensibilities, and handpicked some of the finest musicians Taipei has to offer to interpret and perform his pieces. The result is a truly international and progressive sound, with roots in the rich musical traditions of improvisational and groove-based genres.
The band will be joined by special guest vocalist and collaborator Cait Lin to perform some exciting brand new material!
● 11:30pm~
Late Night Jam Hosted by Andy Ferris Trio
* Entrance Fee門票: $200
* Musicians playing at the jam sessions free entrance
There is a one-drink minimum for everyone who enters.
來Jam 的樂手免費入場,低消一杯飲料.
▪︎訂位請撥02-25819874 週二至週六晚上8點後。
For reservation please call 02-25819874 after 8:00pm Tues ~Sat.
▪︎Business Hour 營業時間 : 8pm~2am/3am(二·五·六/Tue·Fri·Sat)
※Closed on Sun & Mon.

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