I’m not Yours

I’m not Yours“ 樂團

在德國柏林成立的三人樂團三位來⾃不同背景、年代的台日音樂家以弦樂器為主軸樂器作⾃由即興 Free Improvisation – 當下音樂。樂團名I’m Not Yours靈感來自於美國詩人Sara Teasdale的情詩作品:I Am Not Yours,隱射彼此相互感染、相互牽動同大自然中的狂風暴雨被掃蕩著,那在光明中迷失的⼀束光,輕巧如掉到淵洋大海中的⼀小雪片般如此牽繫著,三⼈帶著各自音樂點⼦附註在這當下,聲響中探討聲音藝術與空間、人文的關係。他們的音樂是超越時空的音樂交流,古音樂樂器與現代聲響融合、現代演奏技巧與搖滾音樂背景,之間的互動、自製弦樂器狂人,千野手下的 Strange Harp與古典器樂,大提琴與中提琴相抗衡。不 同時間,人聲與肢體跨橫在當下樂聲裡。


演出者 Musicians

千野秀一 Chino Shuichi

鋼琴、自製弦琴 Piano & Strange Harp

Marie Takahashi 中提琴 Viola

林惠君 Hui Chun Lin ⼤提琴 Cello

特邀來賓 Special Guests

董昭民 Chao-Ming Tung 古箏 Guzheng

李世揚 Shih-Yang Lee 鋼琴 Piano


Marie Takahashi

modern and baroque violist, improviser was born in Sapporo, Japan, in 1985.

Marie has studied in Japan, France, and Germany. She was a member of orchestras in Japan, France and Hungary(festival) but her curiosity and passion for small ensembles led her to become a chamber musician. Her ensembles vary from period string instruments duo to quartet including live electronics.

She is also active in collaborating with visual artists such as VJs, painters, photographers and film makers.


Marie Takahashi,來自北海道新生代樂手。古典⾳樂出⾝擁有雙學位,通曉歐洲古⾳樂以及現代音樂。她成功地用古中提琴結合電音,創造新⾳樂,找尋當下歐洲新生代聲音藝術,拿著提琴出入酒館,藝廊、劇院給予大眾對音樂藝術新的概念。

Chino Shuichi

started as a rock keyboardist since 1970’s with a group “Downtown Boogiewoogie

Band”, free jazz pianist with Akira Sakata in 80s, joined several groups such as “Wa-Ha-Ha” (Akira Sakata, Mishio Ogawa), “Changgo 5” (Yuriko Mukojima, Eitetsu Hayashi), “A-Musik” (Ken-ichi Takeda, Masami Shinoda), “Ground Zero” (Yoshihide Otomo, Junji Hirose), “Buffles” (Hiroshi Kawani, Yuji Sagae), “Inochinoimai” (Nobuyoshi Ino, Kazuo Imai), “Fuchigami to Funato Quartet”

(Junko Fuchigami, Hiroshi Funato, Wataru Okuma).




Boogiewoogie ,Wa-Ha-Ha (坂田明Akira Sakata, 小川美潮 Mishio Ogawa),A-Musik (竹田賢⼀Ken-ichi Takeda, 篠田昌已Masami Shinoda),Ground Zero (大友良英Yoshihide Otomo, 広瀬淳⼆Junji Hirose), “Buffles” (川仁宏Hiroshi Kawani, Yuji Sagae), “Inochinoimai” (井野信義 Nobuyoshi Ino,今井和雄 Kazuo Imai)等。在80、90年代開始製作電影配樂、電⼦合成音樂,從事Free Jazz音樂演出,與當代舞蹈家合作,並曾積極推動與韓國首爾音樂家交流合作。⾄今千野移居柏林,與柏

林即興音樂家活躍演出,如Tristan Honsinger, Christian Lillinger, Tobias Delius, Antonio

Borghini,Lothar Ohlmeier,Yorgos Dimitriadis, 林惠君等。他每年演出不斷,受邀音樂節、策劃活動,並參與錄音計劃,風格從Free Jazz,通俗曲調,噪音,實驗音,現代音樂接囊括。2015年與大提琴家林惠君(台灣/柏林)在柏林創立音樂廠牌 Maybee Records。千野演奏鋼琴以及自製插電樂器。

Hui-Chun Lin

is a musician who moves fluidly among work in avantgarde music, world music, jazz and improvisation and also performance. Her repertoire encompasses traditional,

experimental and classical music in equal measure. Her musical work is concerned above all with sounding out the intersections, boundaries and connections among genres, epochs and cultures. She is now also

musician, performer and cello teacher in Berlin, since 2011. Since 2015, she starts to produce her own music, working with the Berlin Music Label „Maybee Records“, and making music albums with various musicians.

林惠君,大提琴演奏者-專長音樂即興創作、表演。來自高雄台灣,有古典音樂教育背景,2004年畢業於德國得樂斯登音樂院-主修⼤提琴演奏、2006年畢業於德國萊比錫音樂院-⾳樂即興演奏與教育、並隨即接任該校助教擔任音樂即興教學。2008-2012年展開⼀系列旅行在美國、台灣、法國等地收集即興演奏經驗、教學等⼯作,她曾兩度獲美國卡內基廳邀請參加研習營:馬友友與絲路樂團共同創作、演出(2006);參與Dave Douglas創作研習營並該在卡內基廳發表創作 (2008)。2010年獲選法國Cité des Arts駐村,與當地樂手共同策劃演出及創作。現今,林惠君定居於德國柏林,除了教授大提琴演奏,音樂即興外活躍於柏林音樂創作舞台。她的許多專輯收錄在柏林廠牌Maybee Records,她也是柏林即興樂團成員 Berlin Improvisers Orchestra, 與她合作音樂家無數如:Tristan Honsinger, Tobias Delius, Michael Breitenbach, Hugues Vincent, Mathias Müller, Adam Goodwin, Benjamin Hiesinger, Shuichi Chino, Hannes Lingens, Klaus Kürvers, Peter Van Huffel, Michael Vorfeld, Masahiko Ueji, 與柏林當地肢體創作者Janny Haack做⼀系列肢體/音樂創作 (Ocean of Pink Dots)。曾參與過的樂團如Beat Freisens Spelunkenorchester (爵士與新音樂),Nereden (世界⾳樂與即興),ㄧ、⼆零次方 1 2 ° – Eins Zwei Hoch Null (世界音樂與即興)等。

Entrance Fee 入場費: $300

Minimum One Drink Purchase 低消 飲料一杯

Bar Opens 開始營業 : 8pm

Music Starts 表演 : 9.30pm

Happy Hour:

1AM to Close

For Table Reservations Call : 2700-5411 (Call After 8pm Any Night Except Monday)

預約訂位專線:2700-5411 (除週一公休日外, 請於每日下午八點過後來電)

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