
▪︎Music Starts 表演 :9:30pm
▪︎Music charge 音樂門票費:
$400 + 低消一杯飲料
+ Minimum One Drink Purchase
▪︎Serving food & Drink/供餐飲
Nicholas McBride joins forces with Jay Dub and UG to
bring a new groove/soul oriented trio into fruition
Nicholas McBride – Drums and bandleader (Australia)
Known for his versatility and eclectic musical taste, Nicholas has performed, recorded and toured 17 countries in his music career
so far with musicians in Australia, South Africa, Kenya, India, the
U.S. and China.
Nicholas began studying drums at the age of 5 and has been
freelancing in Asia for the past 19 years, touring, recording new
projects, jazz festivals..!
Since 2012 Nicholas has been working as an artist and teacher
with the 9beats Institute for Modern Music. 9beats comprise over 1000 school branches in China. As an official 9beats artist,
Nicholas recorded a series of instructional drum recordings in 2017 (30 original songs), instructional videos, and has held numerous drum technique masterclasses and solo performances.
During his 10 years in Sydney, Nicholas recorded over 20 albums
with various projects including Australian composer Sean
Wayland, producer Mark de Clive-Lowe, Danielle Gaha, Dale
Barlow Quartet, Lucinda Peters, Mike Nock Group, Gerard
Masters Trio and Lily Dior. Nicholas was a founding member of
Canberra’s “Jazz Initiative” in the early 90’s and subsequently a
co-founder of Sydney’s “Jazzgroove Association” in 1998, a jazz
organisation and record label promoting local creative music in
Sydney. Nicholas also hosted his own weekly 2 hour jazz radio
show “Polycurrents” on Eastside FM 89.7 for 3 years during his
time in Sydney.
In 2016 Nicholas was awarded an honorary guest “Professor of
Jazz Drumming” at the Jilin University of the Arts, Changchun for
his contributions to drum education in China.
Nicholas McBride 是⼀名來⾃於澳洲的架⼦⿎的⿎⼿。他⾃2002
年起常駐於中國上海。Nicholas 畢業於澳洲國立⼤學爵⼠樂專業。
在 1992 年到 2002 年期間,Nicholas 移居雪梨,錄製了總數超過
20 張的專輯。其中合作的澳洲作曲家有 Sean Wayland, Mark de
Clive- Lowe, Gerard Masters Trio, 以及 Lily Dior 。
同時他成立了 90 年代雪梨最成功的非營利性的原創⾳樂組織
“Jazzgroove”以及堪培拉“Jazz Initiative”的創始⼈之⼀。
Nicholas 從 5 歲便有敏銳節奏感的天份,在 5 歲學習架⼦⿎,在過
去的 30 年間,他參與製作專輯錄製、巡迴演出、現⾝於各⼤⾳樂
節,以⾃由⾳樂⼈的⾝份活躍在世界各地。與此同時 Nicholas 擔任
Music director of The Venetian Macao ,並在旗下的威尼斯⼈和⾦
選秀節⽬擔任⿎⼿: 我想和你唱 中國之星
他是JZ Music ⼒邀的⾳樂家,隨著各⼤國際⾳樂節的邀約,⾜跡走
Nicholas 擁有深厚爵⼠樂功底,多元化發展並能掌握各類⾳樂風格
的演出,他與九拍⾳樂教育平台(在全中國擁有超過 1000 家分校)
等等。除此之外 Nicholas 還是中國吉林藝術學院的客座教授。
Nicholas 作為⼀名多才多藝、對電⼦⾳樂有著不拘⼀格品味的⿎⼿,
和中國連續三屆 Scratch 冠軍 Wordy聯合演出在 Arkham和 Nike 品
牌活動, 並且是 Roland 代⾔⼈。 他對⾳樂的涉略廣博, 國際化的⾼
度影響⾳樂的豐富性。他的⾳樂⾜ 跡遍佈了全球 17 個國家, 與來⾃
澳洲, 南非, 肯尼亞, 印度, 美國 及中國和⾺來⻄亞, 香港, 台灣的著名
⾳樂家合作參加⾳樂製作及演 出, 包括但不⽌:Dee Dee
Bridgewater, Theo Croker, 莫⽂蔚, 順⼦, 竇靖童, 壞特, 顧忠⼭, 李泉, 蔡健雅, Jony J, Lu1, 袁婭維, Joanna Dong 等等。其「紅節奏」
「 清晰 」專輯, 入圍⾦曲獎, 臺中爵⼠⾳樂節 (2018、2021)。
Jay Dub – Keyboards (USA)
Jay Dub (Jewell Fortenberry) is
originally from Atlanta Georgia,
and moved to Beijing China in
2009. Since then as pianist,
producer and solo artist he has continued to impress audiences with his songwriting and performance versatility and has branched out into Hong Kong,
Taiwan, Russia and Thailand as
well. He has been featured as a
guest performer for the National
Black Arts festival and for the Atlanta Chapter of the NationalRecording Arts and Sciences,
performing alongside such
artists as Usher and Kenny
Lattimore in honor of the late
Ray Charles.
Jay Dub has served as
Producer/Music Director on a
number of projects, most
notably for Chinese recording
artist Tia Ray and her first self
titled studio album “Tia” under the Golden Typhoon record label, and also the follow up album “Tiara” on the Warner-Chappell
Hong Kong record label. Tia and Jewell formed a music band called “Tha Knutz” that won the Red Bull up-and-coming band competition and was featured on BTV. Jay Dub has also served as a producer for Chinese rap artist Shuang Zi, Hong Kong recording artist Tien, Chinese rap artist J-Zen, Baltimore rap artist Halftime, and New York rap artist Heretic. He was a featured
producer along with Chinese artist Kemin Zhang on a Buddhist
Monk Chant album entitled “Planting a Seed”. He has also been a featured Music Producer for CCTV’s “VOICE of China” ,”X Factor”, and “Im A Singer”
Jay Dub –
曾擔任美國國家⿊⼈藝術節National black arts festival和美國國家
錄⾳藝術與科學學院亞特蘭⼤分會(Atlanta Chapter of the
National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences)特別嘉賓並與
許多傑出⾳樂⼈如Usher 、Kenny Lattimore為紀念緬懷Ray Charles
Jay Dub在各⼤國際城市以及⼤陸各地都有演出經驗,更常常在香
摩⾳樂⼈The Author,紐約饒舌歌⼿Emcee Heretic擔任製作⼈,也
曾經受邀擔任中國好聲⾳以及X Factor的⾳樂製作⼈。Jay Dub還曾
經擔任Tia、⽅⼤同、順⼦、那吾克熱、莫⽂蔚、李聖傑以及Alin ,林
俊傑 演唱會的⾸席鍵盤⼿。
UG (Yu Youzhen) – Bass (Taiwan)
Leo King Bass Player
SOSS Orchestra Bass Player
Product Director of GFG Music
Album: LEO37+SOSS-Be Well World
2017 nominated top ten album award of the year
2018 finalist
Golden Melody Award for Best Orchestra
Golden Melody Award for Best Orchestra
Golden Melody Award for Best Hip Hop Album
Golden Melody Award Best Hip Hop Single
2020 Winner of the Golden Melody Award for Best Live
Performance / Leo King
2021 Finalist for the Golden Melody Award Best Live
Performance/ Leo King
▪︎Music Starts 表演 :
9:30pm (五Fri &六Sat )
▪︎Music charge 音樂門票費:
$400.(Fri五/Sat六/Holiday假日) + 低消一杯飲料
+ Minimum One Drink Purchase
▪︎Serving food & Drink/供餐飲
▪︎訂位請撥02-25819874 週二至週六晚上8點後。
For reservation please call 02-25819874 after 8:00pm Tues ~Sat.
▪︎Business Hour 營業時間 : 8pm~2am/3am(二·五·六/Tue·Fri·Sat)
※Closed on Sun & Mon.

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