Late Night Jam Hosted by Erik Nelson & Friends

Late Night Jam Hosted by Erik Nelson & Friends
@ 11:30pm
Entrance Fee $200/門票( late night jam on Fri & Sat /午夜場•週五&週六)
* Musicians playing at the jam sessions free entrance (one drink Minimum)
Erik Nelson
Is a SF Bay Area based saxophonist, composer, arranger, and producer. He started
out primarily in jazz but has branched out into various genres including Anime, Vocaloid,
Utaite, and J-Pop, Progressive Rock and Metal, Contemporary Classical Music, and Film Music.
He primarily works under an alias. His artistic goals include: developing a style of saxophone
playing which captures the emotional, vocal, and linguistic spirit of weeb music (Japanese
Anime, Vocaloid, etc); creating a place for saxophone within progressive metal; and fusing jazz,
modern metal and weeb music. He is currently studying music and mathematics at UC Berkeley,
where he is the head of the video creation department of Cal Animage Alpha, where he creates
video essays on weeb music. He is driven by a love of various genres of music, which he sees as
compatible, but are not yet generally in close contact. He works to blaze a path forward in the
fusion of these genres and the development of new techniques and sounds which this
In high school Erik was in the prestigious 2018 Next Generation Jazz Orchestra, the SFJazz
High School All Stars, and won six national downbeat awards, including one for composition.
He has played with Ingrid Jensen, Tia Fuller, Joel Frahm, Wayne Bergeron, Robin Eubanks, Matt
Penman, The Kyle Athayde Dance Party, and many other well known jazz musicians. He has
played at the Monterey Jazz Festival, the SFJazz Center, Bandcamp’s venue in Oakland,
Armando’s, Cafe Stritch, and many venues around the Bay Area. He has toured Japan several
times and played in the Tokyo jazz scene including the prestigious jazz club Tokyo TUC, as well
as giving clinics to Japanese music students, and adjudicating and performing as a guest artist at
the Japanese jazz festival Stellar Jam 2019.
▪︎訂位請撥02-25819874 週二至週六晚上8點後。
For reservation please call 02-25819874 after 7:30pm Tues ~Sat.
▪︎Business Hour 營業時間 : 8pm~2am(三•四/Wed·Thur)/3am(二·五·六/Tue·Fri·Sat)
※Closed on Sun & Mon.

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