~ Liron Man理冉 曼 Solo Situation~
表演Music Starts: 9:30pm
門票Entrance Fee: $200.
Liron Man (Israel) 理冉 曼 (以色列人)
Handpan (手盤)飛碟鼔 & Guitar 吉他
( Handpan,是歐美目前當紅的非古典樂器。2000年由瑞士伯恩(Berne)的Panart Studio發明販售。 中文稱手盤或飛碟鼔,它那討喜的UFO外型好似兩個炒菜鍋相 …)
Liron Man (Israel) 理冉 曼 (以色列) 1985.12.19.
以色列出身,從10歲就開始弹吉他的Liron,近几年都住在西班牙弗拉門戈的重镇:边境的赫雷斯(Jerez de la Frontera),一边钻研弗拉門戈的吉他技巧,也讓自己的生活完全融入在弗拉門戈的世界裡。
Liron除了自己编制的弗拉門戈的独奏曲目,也非常热衷与弗拉门戈的歌手及舞者合作。这些年Liron已经与许多弗拉門戈的大牌明星共同演出:如Dolores Agujetas, Jorge Pardo (Paco de Lucia指名长笛手), José de los Camarones, Gema Moneo (Farruquito舞团舞者), Fraskito, La Negra等等。
理冉從4歲起學習鋼琴,並在10歲時參與了他人生的第一場音樂 演出。在學習鋼琴的7年中,培養出他對爵士、傳統民族音樂、 流行樂等興趣,並開始接觸不同的樂器及打擊樂。 12歲理冉第一次接觸電吉他後,在14歲就以吉他手的身份登台 表演,並參與以色列國內各種風格的音樂團體,如搖滾、流行、 金屬、爵士等等。 理冉也開始從事創作及編曲。至18歲,他已接觸了不同的樂器, 如曼陀鈴、布祖基琴、單簧管、Nay Flute,及多項打擊樂;在 過程中也接觸到吉普賽音樂、東方音樂、巴薩諾瓦、森巴、克萊茲默猶太音樂、雷鬼等。 理冉2006年買了他的第一個Handpan,立即與這個樂器產生了共鳴。在 沒有老師教授的情況下,理冉自己摸索出他獨特的彈奏方法,讓Handpan音樂呈現乾淨、 外不是人悅耳的特性,影響了現在全球的Handpan樂手。理冉無疑是全球Handpan樂手中的翹楚: 快速且精准地彈奏、配上多變的音樂性。理冉所創造出的音樂總讓台下的聽眾目瞪口呆。 一直以來理冉總是不斷嘗試新的音樂風格,並試圖創新及融合各種不同的音樂。近年來他發 現了西班牙弗拉門戈音樂,遠赴西班牙學習弗拉門戈吉他,也在弗拉門戈音樂里加上 Handpan作為伴奏。 理冉在Handpan音樂上的地位是不可置疑的。目前他旅居西班牙及加拿大等地,以教學及 音樂會演奏來推廣Handpan音樂。 以下節錄2011-2014年理冉在全世界各大音樂節的演出經歷: ‧ Plaza Nueva 新廣場 – 阿爾梅里亞,西班牙 ‧ El Alcazar 阿爾卡薩城堡 – 赫雷斯,西班牙 ‧ Teatro Circo 劇場劇院 – 奧里韋拉,西班牙 ‧ Gran Teatro de Elche 埃爾切大劇院 – 埃爾切, 西班牙 ‧ Webber Academy Theatre 韋伯學院劇院 – 卡爾 加里,加拿大 ‧ Playhouse Theatre 戲劇劇院 – 溫哥華,加拿大 ‧ Suzan Dalal 蘇珊黛拉劇場 – 特拉維夫,以色列 ‧ Rabin Square 拉賓廣場 – 特拉維夫,以色列 ‧ Villa Mazzacorati 瑪莎克羅提別館 – 博洛尼亞,意大利 ‧ Museo internazionale di la musica e biblioteca di Bologna 博洛尼亞國際音樂博物館 兼圖書館 – 博洛尼亞,意大利 ‧ Harborfront 海港公園 – 多倫多,加拿大
Liron Man (Israel) Bio
With Handpen..
Since I was a child music has been part of my life.
Although in my family there were no professional musicians seems like I was very attached to it.
All my family and spacially my dad were always supportive and encourging me playing music.
Started with Piano at a very young age and went through various instruments until I found the HandPans and Flamenco Guitar.
At the age of 19 a number of very meaningful things happened in my life, personally, professionaly and artistcally speaking.
Regarding music, that was the age when I discovered the HandPan and Flamenco Guitar, although I didn’t start playing them right away, though I knew my heart will lead me there eventually.
September 2006, that’s when I bought my first HandPan, just a half a year later I bought my second one.
It was clear to me I need more than one instrument since each one carries only one musical scale which very limits the musical possibilities, so when I got my second one still I felt limited. for a long while it was fine because I had many other things on my plate and was starting to shape my self and develop as a musician.
Nowadays I have four instruments and I am able to play all the scales that involve the 12 regular notes. one of my future plans is to get more instruments that involve quarter tones.
One other thing that happened to me at the age of 19 is discovering a band called ‘Estradasphere’ and a related band called ‘Secret Chiefs 3’.
These two groups of brilliant musicians completely changed my life and exposed me to many different style of traditional musics from all over the world.
These two bands and other projects related to them have been and still are a great inspiration to me.
I can’t define my musical genere, I play all kinds and especially atracted to traditional music from various cultures.
If I have to, I’ll say ‘World Music’, that’s what I feel most related to.
With Guitar..
In the year of 2010 I moved to Jerez De La Frontera with a clear mission to study the art of Flamenco.
Spain has been my base for the last 5 years and had the opportunity to study a lot and work with Flamenco artists such as: Jorge Pardo, Niño Jero, Bernardo Parilla, Jose de los Camarones, Fransisco Leon, Fiona Malena, Mara Rey, Beatriz Morales and more.
Flamenco is an ongoing research for me and I am very patient and respectful to the culture.
I play and produce shows for dancers and work with singers playing traditional and modern Flamenco, also fusions such as Ethnic Music from the Middle East, Persian Music, Latin Music alongside Flamenco.
For the next several years I will be developing my sound and composing my own Flamenco pieces.
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