M.I 樂團 Mizform Project
{民謠自由爵士 Prog Folk & Free Jazz}
Entrance Fee 門票: $400 Including a drink ( 含一杯飲料)
music starts 表演 : 9.30pm
竹笛Bamboo Flute/ 黃柏樹 Jaison Búo-Shù Whuang
吉他Guitar/ Ferdinand Kumpfmueller
貝斯Bass/ Ben Krahl
鼓手 Drums/ Pietro Valente & Manuel Marxer
客席鋼琴家 Guest Pianist/ 李世揚 Shih-Yang Lee
鋼琴 Piano/ Tim Hennig
低音薩克斯風 Bass Sax/ Max Marlier
歌手 Vocal/ Daniela Hertje
M iszform is a musical attitude. The term can be interpreted as the German word ‘mißform’, meaning malformed, but the ‘sz’ looks and sounds like x allowing for the interpretation of the English term ‘mixform’. This double meaning reveals that the musicians of Miszform must be masters of the original genres and styles in order to misshape and mix the music. It’s a way for musicians to pay homage to the original forms – by breaking them.
Miszform is also a reflection of interactions between different origins and cultures. The project is founded by the Taiwanese bamboo-flautist Jaison Búo-Shù Whuang. Búo-Shù’s music is connected to his homeland’s multi-cultural history. Whuang studied across three continents. He comes from a traditional Chinese cultural music background, but has encountered Western Classical and Jazz music traditions during studies in Europe and America. In these various and diverse forms, he has created his own musical identity. For this concert Búo-Shù presents two exciting and contrasting programmes: Bamboo-flute Performs Jazz Music; Jazz Performs Bamboo-flute Music. For this night Miszform Project also has the honor to have the Pianist Shih-Yang Lee to join the Prog Folk & Free Jazz program.
Miszform也可以是關於出身與文化背景的一種形容。來自台灣的計劃發起人黃柏樹,是一位竹笛演奏家。他的音樂就如同他國家的文化歷史一樣,充滿了各種色彩:他來自傳統中華民族音樂文化,並到歐洲與美國學習西洋古典與爵士音樂,試著在這些各種各樣的音樂形態中尋找自己音樂的樣貌。這次他帶來了兩個相同與相反的音樂計劃: 竹笛演奏爵士音樂;爵士演奏竹笛音樂。同時有幸能邀請到客席鋼琴家李世揚一同演奏民謠自由爵士的節目。
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