Maureen Choi Quartet

Maureen Choi Quartet

N E W A L B U M “T H E I A” (2019)

Maureen Choi
Now residing in Spain, Korean-American violinist Maureen Choi is sparkling a revolution in the improvised music scene in Spain.
Inspired by the sounds and rhythms of the Spanish Diaspora, classical music and jazz, “THEIA” digs deep into different traditions of music in order to refine a personal language.
That search for her voice, breaking genre pre-conceptions, became “Ida y Vuelta” (2015), the 1st album with her current line-up: Daniel García on Piano (Spain), Mario Carrillo on Bass (Spain) and Michael Olivera on Drums (Cuba).
After 6 years playing together, more than 500 concerts all over Spain, 3 USA tours, and great reviews on specialized media like Downbeat or All About Jazz, the band has reached a level of maturity,
interconnectedness, finesse and musicality that is hard to explain. Choi´s unique ability to take the audience on a deeply emotional journey through her violin is unparalleled.
The new album “THEIA” is the musical consequence of the band’s evolution, as individuals and as a collective.
Maureen Choi Quartet is currently on tour presenting the new album, and is scheduled to appear in festivals in Spain, USA, and Asia (Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taichung, Seoul, Jarasum, Tokyo, Guangzhou) this year.

Music Starts 表演 : 9:30pm
Entrance Fee 入場費: $300 + 低消$150起.
+ Minimum One Drink Purchase
Bar Opens 營業時間 : 8pm~3am(Serving food & Drink/供餐飲)

*For Table Reservations Call : 2700-5411 (Call After 7:30pm Any Night Except Monday)
*預約訂位專線:2700-5411 (除週一公休日外, 請於每日晚上7:30後來電)

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