「有多久,沒有好好的躺在沙發上,闔上眼睛欣賞那,靜謐的喧囂(Noise in Silence)了?」
在一次偶然的機會下認識了彼此,分享了各自的創作後發現喜歡的風格非常接近,同樣受Brad Mehldau, Avishai Cohen, Bill Evans等名家啟發,決定組成鋼琴三重奏開始練習及巡演,來自鋼琴手美蘭以及貝斯手育嘉的創作,用音樂連結、溝通、激盪出更大的火花,希望將這份相遇的感動與聽眾們分享。
5歲開始學習古典鋼琴,15歲開始學習爵士鋼琴,就讀韓國SEOKYEONG大學 (서경대학교)主修爵士鋼琴,師事Jangeun Bae, Seungho You,演奏風格深受Brad Mehldau, Bill Evans等名家影響,2016年於DAEGU International Jazz Competition獲得’BEST SOLIST’獎項 ,曾參予SEOKYEONG Jazz Orchestra, JANGEUN BAE trio, 並自組 Mi-Ran Kim Trio開始活動, 曾於韓國CAFÉ SP, Jack B NIMBLE, JAZZDA, CRAZY HORES等地方演出。
Double bass: 劉育嘉(Jack Liu)
台南市人,於2006年考取國立台南藝術大學中國音樂系主修低音提琴,現為國立東華大學音樂系碩士班爵士組二年級生,就學期間代表學校,參予多項比賽以及演出, 啟蒙師事,旅法演奏家潘詠霈老師 , 旅德演奏家武崢老師 , 旅法演奏家陳欣邵老師,旅美演奏家張簡文婷老師,旅法演奏家黃仁怡老師。
自2009年起追隨Dion Grahm 和 Vanbuel Mantijn(吳馬丁) 習爵士理論以及爵士演奏至今。
目前為小節慶爵士樂團,Grahm Trio(歌燃三重奏)以及J Trio(J三重奏)的Double Bass手,並在中南北部皆有演出。
2010年 台中爵士音樂節新秀比賽第一名(藍莓派爵士樂團)
2016年 台北爵士音樂節新秀比賽第二名(正能量爵士五重奏樂團)
與Matzka樂團、北七樂團、Rose劉明湘、PiA吳蓓雅、武勇達印等合作演出。曾擔任PiA吳蓓雅專輯「真心話」以及歌手蘇育霆專輯「99%的愛」數首爵士鼓編曲及錄音,2015年擔任1911劇團年度製作「 Blue John-不如這樣」爵士音樂劇演出樂手、「舞工廠」踢踏舞團年度大型製作「圓周·律」現場演出樂手、2016年受音樂時代公司邀請至廈門以及上海擔任大型音樂劇「微·信」現場演出樂手、擔任「AM安徒生與莫札特的創意公司」音樂劇製作「屋頂動物園」、「小太陽」現場演出樂手,2017年與華姵及盧欣民老師團隊至日本東京日台交流協會以及奈良橿原神宮前神武祭演出,受盧森堡新古典樂團Dock In Absolute邀請至中國西安「Meeting Jazz Club」、北京「九門爵士音樂節」演出。現為女爵騎士爵士樂團、騷動爵士大樂團等鼓手。
“Speaking in different language, but searching for the same sound.”
We met each others in Taiwan, and discovered that we search for the same sound. We all influenced by Brad Mehldau, Avishai Cohen, Bill Evans and so on. Besides jazz standards, we will bring Mi-ran and Jack’s own compositions. Hope you will enjoy it !
Mi-ran began her piano lessons at age 5, and started to learn jazz piano at age 15. After that, she began to study jazz piano from Mrs. Jangeun Bae and Mr. Seungho You at Seokyeong University.
Her performance style and composition are influenced by Brad Mehldau, Bill Evans, Keith Jarrets and so on. When 2016, She won the “BEST SOLIST” award in DAEGU International Jazz Composition. She has joined SEOKYEONG Jazz Orchestra, Jangeun Bae Trio, and her own trio “Mi-ran Kim Trio”, performed in Korea.
Jack has studied double bass at National Tainan University of Arts, now he studies jazz performance master degree at National Dong Hwa University. He studied jazz double bass from Vanbuel Mantjin. He has won Taichung Jazz competition of rookies 2nd place award, and started his own trio and presented his own composition. He is one of the most popular jazz double bassist in Taiwan now. People call him “Taiwan Avishai Cohen”
Drummer: Tim Lin (Da Bao)
Tim Lin is a drummer from Taiwan. He and his band “Blueberry Jazz Pie” has won Taichung Jazz Festival competition of rookies 1st place at 2010. Besides Jazz, he also cooperated with several famous artists of Taiwan, includes Matzka, Pia, Rose Liu and so on. He also has participated in some large musical productions like “Blue John” by 1911 Musical Troupe, “Rooftop Zoo” by AMcreative Cooperation , and “Wei Xin” by All Music Theatre performed at Xiamen and Shanghai in 2016. Now he is drummer of “Lady & Knight“ Jazz Quintet and Riot Jazz Big Band.
Minimum One Drink Purchase 低消 飲料一杯
For Table Reservations Call : 2700-5411 (Call After 8pm Any Night Except Monday)
預約訂位專線:2700-5411 (除週一公休日外, 請於每日下午八點過後來電)
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