Neil Stalnaker & Friends
Entrance Fee 門票: $400 Including a drink ( 含一杯飲料)
music starts 表演 : 9.30pm
Neil Stalnaker–Trumpet
Musa –Piano
Lee Shih Chun –Guitar
Takeyama Tomochika
Tokyo-based trumpet player Neil Stalnaker and friends with be doing a concert of original compositions from his recent cd release, “Reflections”, and standard jazz on June 19. Stalnaker, recently touring and performing all over Japan, is making his
first tour of Taiwan.
In 2011, Neil took a break from Tokyo and lived in the northern city of Morioka in Iwate prefecture. In addition to being in Iwate during the earthquake and tsunami on March 11, later in 2011 he was diagnosed with throat cancer for the 2nd time (1991 being the first). During 2012-14, Stalnaker was diagnosed a third time with cancer. It was during this period, he composed music for his current cd release, Reflections. Reflections is an introspective exploration into the feelings connected to the events surrounding March 11 in Japan as well as his experiences surviving throat cancer 3 times.
Before living in Japan, Stalnaker was trumpet soloist in the US Navy Big Band, “The Commodores”, attached to White House events in Washington D.C. during the 1980’s. In the 1990’s, he toured Europe and Russia with his own band. This included several performances at the prestigious Montreux Jazz Festival in Montreux, Switzerland.
In addition to hundreds of performances in the US, Europe and Japan in jazz clubs, jazz festivals, concert halls, recording studios, TV and radio, Neil has been involved in music/jazz education. He has taught privately and led workshops at elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and universities throughout the US and Japan.
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