Nicholas McBride Trio “Tribute to Roy Hanes “

Nicholas McBride Trio “Tribute to Roy Hanes “

李世鈞 on Guitar

Julian wittich on Bass

Nicholas McBride on drum set

In music, Roy Hanes (1944-present) has played a crucial role as a musician and drummer. He has recorded so many albums with many Great musician in various styles ,such as Charlie Parker, Paul Chambers, Bud Powell, Pat Matheney, e.t.c. For this project, we pick songs, which Roy has recorded and cooperated on, in different styles to tribute him.


Music Starts 表演 : 8:30pm (Weekdays/週日.二.三.四.)
9pm (Fri&Sat/ 週五.六)
Entrance Fee 入場費: $300 + 低消$160起.
+ Minimum One Drink Purchase
Business Hour 營業時間 : 7pm~2am/3am(Fri&Sat)
*Serving food & Drink/供餐飲
*For Table Reservations Call : 02-25819874 (Call After 6:30pm Any Night Except Monday)
*預約訂位專線:02-25819874 (除週一公休日外, 請於每日晚上6:30後來電)

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