PLUS ONE – Jazz Trio Format + Hugues Vincent (Cello) + Late Night Jam

PLUS ONE – Jazz Trio Format
+ Hugues Vincent (Cello)
+ Late Night Jam

European Jazz – Ethnic & Tribal

PLUS ONE is a jazz trio (piano/accordion, saxophone, drums) that plays originals with a hint of Balkans and African traditional music, all with the freedom of improvisation. PLUS ONE’s musicians gets their inspiration from traveling through countries, cultures and urban sounds, and brings together a fun energetic and eclectic musical voyage.
PLUS ONE, for the doors of perception are wide opened, and one ingredient at a time, limitless. Come, close your eyes, and travel with us.

PLUS ONE – Jazz Trio Format
Lionel Pinard : piano 鋼琴 / accordion / composition 作曲家
Min-Yen Terry Hsieh 謝明諺: saxophone 薩克斯風
Weichung Lin 林偉中 – drums 鼓手 & sound effects
Special Guest : Hugues Vincent – cello

Hugues Vincent 雨果·文森 事師丹尼斯·夏雷(Denise Cherret)學習古典大提琴,並於蒙特勒伊(Montreuil) Edim音樂學院學習爵士音樂,持有音樂學文憑。先後隨師Sofia Domancich, Didier Levalet, Régis Huby, Vincent Courtois, Ernst Reisjeger, Barre Phillips, Joelle Léandre等名家的演奏大師班課程。多年來雨果·文森經常和不同領域的音樂家組團演出,如Tilbol樂團;與Franck Smith組成的“底片-Celluloïd” 樂團;Joelle Léandre “弦樂計劃 – String project” ; Otomo Yoshihide “新爵士組合 – New jazz ensemble” ; David S Ware 的 “弦樂組合 – ensemble à cordes” ; 與中提琴Frantz Loriot的 “Bobun”; ska斯卡樂團“卷羽鵜鶘 – Le pélican frisé”; acousmatic幻聽音樂三重奏”Bolitz”;搖滾音樂三重奏 “趕緊 –Ganjin” 。也合音樂家如Vincent Courtois, Mori Shige, Jean François Pauvros, Luc Ex, Maki Hachiya, Tabata Mitsuru合作發展即興音樂,同時與編舞家林佳穎, Ima Tenko, Imre Thormann, Saiko Kino等合作表演。 目前,他為一位獨奏藝術家,也在舞台上參與當代舞蹈的演奏表演,並在德國,瑞士,比利時,荷蘭,意大利,西班牙,美國,摩洛哥,埃及,日本和台灣各國巡迴演奏。

Music Starts 表演 : 9:30pm

Entrance Fee 入場費: $300 + 低消$150起.
+ Minimum One Drink Purchase

Bar Opens 營業時間 : 8pm~3am(Serving food & Drink/供餐飲)

*For Table Reservations Call : 2700-5411 (Call After 7:30pm Any Night Except Monday)
*預約訂位專線:2700-5411 (除週一公休日外, 請於每日晚上7:30後來電)

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