SAMEKA Jazz-Rock / Fusion Band (from Germany) + Late Night Jam with Andy Ferris Trio

Music Starts 表演 :
▪︎Music Charge 門票:
$400.+ (低消一杯飲料
+ Minimum One Drink Purchase)
▪︎Business Hour 營業時間 : 8:00pm~凌晨2:00/3:00am(Fri&Sat)
(Serving food & Drink /供餐飲)
● 9:00pm
SAMEKA is a Jazz-Rock Band from Germany, founded in 2019 by Bass Player
Simon Zauels.
The music which is stylistically composed between jazz-rock, fusion with oriental
interjections sets a focus on complex rhythms as well as pulsating riffs and unison
lines, but also leaves a lot of room for improvisation.
The music is characterized by an interesting combination of electric and acoustic
instruments including the variety of Daniel Buch who is playing Baritone-,
Sopransaxophon as well as the electric Aerophon.
The rhythm section is formed by Antoine Spranger, who is playing the grand piano,
Tobias Frohnhöfer on drums, Patrick Baumann on electric guitar and Simon Zauels
on electric Bass.
In November 2021 the band received the “Musikfonds Neustart Kultur” scholarship,
thanks to which it was possible to record a complete album consisting of original
compositions. The album was released on March 4, 2022 on Mons Records and
features the syrian oud player Hesham Hamra.
“I highly recommend this album. Rarely have I heard an album in this genre that excels in
terms of originality and personal vision in the way this album does. There is deep respect
of the tradition yet at the same time a high degree of originality. I am positive that we will
be hearing more about Sameka in the future…“
Simone Gubbiotti (Jazz in Europe)
SAMEKA has been selected among the last six bands in the FUTURE SOUNDS
Contest by a jury, which will allow them to perform in November 2022 at the
Leverkusener Jazztage.
Already in January 2023, the band has recorded its second studio album, which will
again feature Hesham Hamra and in addition to that a string quartet. The album will
be released in the spring of 2023.
Simon Zauels – Bass / Composition
Daniel Buch – Saxophone / Aerophone
Patrick Baumann – Guitar
Antoine Spranger – Piano
Tobias Frohnhöfer – Drums
● 11:30pm
Late Night Jam Hosted by Andy Ferris Trio
▪︎門票 Entrance Fee: $ 200.+低消1杯飲料.
▪︎There is a one-drink minimum for everyone who enters.
▪︎來Jam 的樂手免費入場,低消1杯飲料.
Musicians playing at the jam sessions free entrance .
▪︎訂位請撥02-25819874 週二至週六7:30pm後。
For reservation please call 02-25819874 after 7:30pm Tues ~Sat.
▪︎Business Hour 營業時間 : 8:00pm~凌晨2:00/3:00(二·五·六/Tue·Fri·Sat)
※Closed on Sun & Mon.

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