SKARAOKE + Late Night Jam

SKARAOKE + Late Night Jam
台灣融合管樂的指標性SKA樂團: SKARAOKE
Since: 2007
From: Taipei, Taiwan
Music Type: Ska, Rock Steady, Reggae, Latin, Swing, Jazz, Lounge…
SKARAOKE於2008年4月在墾丁的「春天吶喊」音樂節首次亮相,博得全場觀眾的掌聲及喝采,成為台灣獨一無二的指標性Ska樂團!之後,各地邀約不斷,常常能在台灣各地的Live Houses 及音樂節看見他們的身影。他們總是穿戴著紳士帽,窄版領帶及西裝吊帶,就如同老派的爵士樂手般,彷彿讓人回到了以前的爵士經典,卻又有著他們特別的島國搖擺風味!
其團名的靈感來自於臺灣及日本庶民流行的歌唱文化 ” KARAOKE(卡啦OK)”
再加上團員共同喜愛的曲風 “SKA” (源自於1960年代牙買加的島嶼流行音樂)
這兩個元素加起來就成了 “SKARAOKE”
顧名思義;就是希望SKARAOKE的音樂,就像是在邀請大家一起來個 “Ska的卡啦OK” PARTY一樣,輕鬆詼諧、溢滿歡樂又有那麼一點俗豔!
Taiwan’s very own unique Ska Orchestra
Since: 2007
From: Taipei, Taiwan
Music Type: Ska, Rock Steady, Reggae and Latin, Swing, Jazz, Lounge ….
“Skaraoke is one of the few ska bands to rock the Taiwan scene! Formed in April of 2007, Skaraoke has participated in numerous events and shows all over the island of Taiwan and has several shows and concerts lined up for the upcoming seasons. Skaraoke’s music blends island style ska, rock steady, reggae, latin, swing, and rock, into a cocktail of danceable rhythms and catchy chorus lines. Grab your dancing shoes because this is an act you surely can’t miss!” -Asian Music Guide
Music Starts 表演 :
8:30pm (Weekdays/週日.二.三.四.)
9pm (Fri&Sat/ 週五.六)
Music charge 音樂門票費:
$300 + 低消$160起.
+ Minimum One Drink Purchase
Business Hour 營業時間 : 7pm~2am/3am(Fri&Sat)
*Serving food & Drink/供餐飲

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