Social Cats Association (SCA) 是一個Ska-Jazz樂團。+ Late Night Jam

Social Cats Association (SCA) 是一個Ska-Jazz樂團。
Jazz樂手也暱稱為Cats,我們都喜歡和別人social互動,也因此有了這樣的名字。很巧地,樂團縮寫S. C. A.唸起來和”Ska”居然一樣!
SCA除了演出經典的Ska Reggae歌曲,也有許多有趣的重新編曲,更有Kinya-San的許多原創歌曲!
歌手:Vicky Sun
吉他:Steven Wang
Social Cats Association (SCA) is a Ska-Jazz Band.
Jazz musicians are also known as cats, and we like socializing, hence the name. And coincidentally, the band’s acronym, S. C. A., sounds just like “Ska”!!
Ska and Reggae originated in Jamaica, the music is extremely groovy and optimistic, perfect to dance to and for drinking.
And Jazz is a genre with a long line of history, full of soul and breathes freedom, perfect for drinking. These 2 genres compliment each other like wine and cheese!
This time we’ve invited special guests Vicky and Yu Tung. Vicky, with her creative and poetic approach, put lyrics to the originals, breathing life into the tunes. And Yu Tung adds a new layer to the band with his modern harmonies and piano virtuosity.
Come drink with us, share the music with us, and groove with us!
Vocal: Vicky Sun
Tenor Sax: Hao Wen Cheng
Trombone: Yi Chun Teng
KB: Yu Tung Lin
Guitar: Steven Wang
Bass: Kinya Ikeda
Drums: Steven Ma
(Please don’t drink and drive; No underaged drinking)
Music Starts 表演 :
8:30pm (Weekdays/週日.二.三.四.)
9pm (Fri&Sat/ 週五.六)
Music charge 音樂門票費:
$300 + 低消$160起.
+ Minimum One Drink Purchase
Business Hour 營業時間 : 7pm~2am/3am(Fri&Sat)
*Serving food & Drink/供餐飲

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