Soul Cake 靈魂蛋糕 @ 9pm +Late Night Jam with Michael Wang Trio @ 11:30pm

Soul Cake 靈魂蛋糕 @ 9pm +late night jam with Michael Wang Trio @ 11:30pm
* 9pm~11pm
Soul Cake 靈魂蛋糕
高音與中音薩克斯Sax:Kevin Liu 劉騰文
鋼琴與電鋼琴Keys:Chun-Yu Kuo郭俊育
鼓組Drums: Steven Ma 馬仕函
Soul Cake is a Taiwanese jazz-funk fusion band, which mainly consisted of saxophonist Kevin Liu, keyboardist Chun-Yu Kuo, bassist Han, and drummer Jeffery Lin. The style of music this band played were the combination of soul, R&B, jazz-rock, and probably other undefinable genres, make the groove happen is the one and only goal.
* Door Open at 8pm 開始營業
▪︎Music Starts 表演 :
▪︎Music charge 音樂門票費:
$400.(Fri五/Sat六/Holiday假日) + 低消一杯飲料
+ Minimum One Drink Purchase
▪︎Serving food & Drink/供餐飲 @8pm開始
▪︎訂位請撥02-25819874 週二至週六晚上8點後。
For reservation please call 02-25819874 after 8:00pm Tues ~Sat.
▪︎Business Hour 營業時間 : 8pm~2am/3am(二·五·六/Tue·Fri·Sat)
※Closed on Sun & Mon.

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