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Josh Schaffer(史博哲)/薩克斯風 2012 畢業於科羅拉多大學博爾德分校碩士演奏文憑, Josh Schaffer 畢業後來台灣擔任薩克斯風維修與演奏的工作,在校期間師承Tom Myer(科羅拉多大學博爾德分校音樂系教授),在學習過程中開發了自己對經典爵士樂的理念及設定,並在演奏中融合古典音樂的技巧及想法,並且妥善運用。 畢業以來在科羅拉多州擔任職業演出,並參與多種不同風格的樂隊,且自己帶領爵士三重奏,四重奏,藍調以及巴西咻樂,不同風格類型的演出對 Josh Schaffer 有著極深的影響,讓他的演奏不僅僅是爵士樂,還廣泛地包含所有不同風格的樂種。 來到台灣之後,在這塊土地上與各路音樂好手演奏,並積極參與當地音樂創作以及演奏。 Since graduating in December of 2012 with a Master’s in Music from the University of Colorado at Boulder, Josh Schaffer has been working and playing in Taiwan. While studying under Tom Myer (prof. saxophone at the University of Colorado Boulder), he has developed his jazz concepts out of a classical setting and has learned not only the musical nuances involved in classical performance and practice, but also has been able to bring classical and traditional jazz syles together. Since graduating he has performed witha a wide array of rock and fusion groups including the Colorado-based Sweebred Band, and has led his own jazz quartet and trio. He has also played in a local Brazilian Choro ensemble, which has been a great influence on his playing style and has sparked an interest in the music of Brazil. Since moving to Taiwan Josh has had the opportunity to play with many great jazz players around Taipei and has been involved with cultural performances in Kaohsiung, Taichung, and has played at the lantern festival in Nantou.
Tiny Yang楊燦明/鋼琴 臺灣不可多得之全方位琴師,除精通鋼琴、電子合成樂器及手風琴外,亦擅長編曲及作曲, 臺北晶華酒會、君悅飯店、福華飯店、統一飯店、華國飯店、第一飯店、臺北美僑商會(前身為美軍俱樂部)、臺中美軍俱樂部、高雄美軍俱樂部專職琴師;擅長爵士、拉丁、抒情、藍調、流行、鄉村、搖滾等各類曲風,除了現場演奏,許多大牌藝人之專輯:如鄧麗君、鳳飛飛、蔡琴、江蕙、洪榮宏等藝人之專輯,亦由Tiny操刀,Tiny是您絕不可錯過的鋼琴手!
Toshi Fujii 藤井俊充/貝斯手 畢業於美國百克里音樂學院(Berklee College of Music),為知名爵士音樂人。經常受邀海內外大型音樂季演出。亦曾擔任YAMAHA師資培訓班之教職,並出版爵士鼓相關教學著「TOSHI爵士鼓系統學習(一) (二) (三)」,不僅爵士樂圈,亦跨界流行樂界之編曲、唱片製作、藝人演唱會演出等,也留下亮眼的音樂成績。 這幾年音樂業拓展到家鄉日本東京,加入網路音樂節目Sound States 擔任策劃主持導播等工作,深入研究學習網路影像。曾經參與「海角七號」電影及「大佛普拉斯」口琴配樂,深受眾人喜愛,更與榮獲多項葛萊美獎-泰武古謠傳唱隊合作<細雨灑落群山>巡迴演出,2017年底發行個人首張創作爵士口琴專輯「Blue Bear」,於2018年開始世界巡迴,讓爵士口琴發揚光大,揮灑各地。同年9月入圍第九屆金音獎最佳爵士專輯、最佳爵士單曲、及最佳樂手三項殊榮。
Takeshi Sakamoto坂本健志/ Drummer 日本鼓手 21歲開始於日本從事職業演出及錄音工作 和多個當地藝人合作過電視節目,廣播,廣告,音樂劇等 表演的曲風包含了流行,搖滾,爵士,放克,節奏藍調,金屬搖滾,拉丁等 2009年前往美國紐約進修 先於Brooklyn Music Conservatory 就讀 主修爵士 之後轉學到City College of New York BFA,Jazz Department 主修爵士並在當地從事演出跟一些 世界級爵士樂手,Jerome Harris(Sonny Rollins Band),Tex Allen(Gil Evans Orchestra), Andy Mackee(Elvin Jones Quartet),Jason Marshall(Charles Mingus Bigband),etc,,, 跟Greg Hutchinson, Marc Fever, Nathaniel Townsley 學爵士鼓. 2012年搬到台灣,曾於新北市國際鼓藝節「全國鼓王爭霸賽2013」現代鼓樂部榮獲金鼓王的殊譽。台中爵士節2013[新秀比賽] 第一名,與Matzka樂團參加國內外的音樂祭, 參加曹格2014世界巡回演唱會,齊秦2014,2015世界巡回演唱會. 也與很多樂團合作。 Takeshi Sakamoto He started career as a professional drummer at the age of 21. and played with a bunch of style of music such as Funk,Jazz,Pops,Rock,R&B,Latin. Also, played with many famous Japanese artists. 2009 to acquire more international professional musician’s skill as a Drummer, He moved to New York City and entered Brooklyn Music Conservatory professional Jazz Division,afterwards, transferred City College of New York BFA, Jazz Department,he also played Jazz and Gospel music outside the school and had played with many world class musicians like Jerome Harris(Sonny Rollins Band), Tex Allen(Gil Evans Orchestra), Andy Mackee(Elvin Jones Quartet), Jason Marshall(Charles Mingus Bigband),etc. He had studied Jazz Drumming with Greg Hutchinson, Marc Fever, Nathaniel Townsley, 2012 moved to Taiwan. and touring all over the world with artists like Japan, Hong Kong, Canada, China, etc,,, In addition, participated a couple of competition. He won 1st prize for Taiwan new taipei city International Drum Competition, also won 1st prize for Taichung Jazz Festival Jazz Combo Competition.
Andie/Vocalist 擅長演唱多國歌曲,包括英文、法文、西班牙文、葡萄牙文、義大利文、日文、韓文、印尼文及中文曲目,主持風格幽默、舞臺效果及親和力十足,演出經歷豐富,曾於晶華酒店、喜來登飯店、福華飯店、六福皇宮、長榮桂冠酒店、美僑商會(Taipei American Club)、高雄晶典飯店(85大樓)駐唱,各大型活動公演,除音樂表演,亦擅長舞臺劇及舞蹈表演,為舞臺經驗豐富之全方位藝人。
Entrance Fee 入場費: $300
Minimum One Drink Purchase 低消 飲料一杯
Bar Opens 營業時間 : 8pm~3am(Serving food & Drink/供餐飲)
Music Starts 表演 : 9.30pm
For Table Reservations Call : 2700-5411 (Call After 7:30pm Any Night Except Monday)
預約訂位專線:2700-5411 (除週一公休日外, 請於每日晚上7:30後來電)
Followed by our Late Night Jam! Once the band has finished the stage will be open for any musicians wishing to play.
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