Teh + Late Night Jam

Teh + Late Night Jam

蔡雯慧Wen-Hui Tsai- Voice
Sam Comerford- Saxophone
Camille- Alban Spreng- Piano


就如同[Teh]這個字。一開始源自於一個一般人打英文字”The”時經常出現的錯別字,然而正因它太常發生了,於是最後便成為一個約定俗成的流行英文詞彙(urban vocabulary)。

[Teh ]是個由三位樂手共同領導的三重奏。他們的音樂遊走在和諧與衝突之間,主要以短歌與聯篇歌曲為主。在詩文、音樂與畫面之間尋找最佳的平衡,讓音樂在收與放之間製造出最大的畫面感,是他們致力的目標。

Regardless of the music genre, be it classical or jazz, musicians have been dedicating themselves to breaking rules and finding new sounds. What was once considered inaccurate in music has surprisingly become the inspiration and direction for musicians in creating music.
Just like the word [Teh], an urban vocabulary that originated from common typo of the word “The”.
[Teh] is a Trio in which all three musicians share the leadership in musical direction. Their music oscillates between harmony and dissonance, connecting poetry, music and images and accentuating their creation.

Music Starts 表演 : 9:30pm
Entrance Fee 入場費: $300 + 低消$150起.
+ Minimum One Drink Purchase
Bar Opens 營業時間 : 8pm~3am(Serving food & Drink/供餐飲)

*For Table Reservations Call : 2700-5411 (Call After 7:30pm Any Night Except Monday)
*預約訂位專線:2700-5411 (除週一公休日外, 請於每日晚上7:30後來電)

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