Chanson Trio & Friends + The Rocksteady Sextet

We have a great double bill for you this Saturday night with Chanson Trio & Friends playing from 8.30pm to 9.30pm, followed by The Rocksteady Sextet playing from 10pm.


Before 9pm:  Entrance Fee 門票: $300

After 9pm:  Entrance Fee 門票: $400   Including a drink ( 含一杯飲料)


唱個小曲兒 Chanson Trio (8.30pm to 9.30pm)

唱個小曲兒Chanson trio將於8月29日、9月5日、9月12日連續三個星期六,晚間8 :00 至9 :30於SAPPHO LIVE精彩售票演出,觀眾只要前往兩廳院線上售票或當日入場當場(線上售票依兩廳院規定。現場購票限晚間9 :00前。),即可以 300元票價購得門票,數不二價。台北市政府與台北市文化基金會、兩廳院售票系統主辦與協辦的2015台北藝穗節盛大在八月底至九月中展開,參加團體共有一百多組,超越以往,空前盛大。

70-80這一代的創作方式受到二十一世紀末中外音樂市場影響,取名唱個小曲兒Chanson trio就是希望小清新的時代來臨,銜接前一代金曲刻骨銘心的愛情大觀,勇敢唱出對人心的要求與想像。謝令威的唱片收藏中就是麥可傑克森自小到大的完整收藏,對表演慾極旺的他來說,「表演是每一刻生活的紀錄,必須用生命去綻放其光與熱」謝令威提到,因此每當演出前,謝令威對自己增加的排演量就大得驚人。翁羽嫺崇拜台灣民歌時期的簡潔清新,許多作品與唱腔都是對該時期的呼應。此次演出,特別邀請吉他手許瀚元、貝斯手郭任瑋、鼓手潘維瀚,等超強組合,力求最佳默契。

唱個小曲兒Chanson trio從學生生涯、數年社會經驗與戀愛經驗裡面,有深刻的體認與看法,就是人心需要定心丸,「唱個小曲兒把許多情節唱出來,幫助人們找尋自我」翁羽嫺提到。從歌曲的詮釋當中,有隱射、直白、局勢鋪陳、畫面描述。描述愛情時,揮別消費性愛情觀,走入愛情的細節裡面,從謝令威的鋼琴曲子找到愛情的情緒起伏,又能從翁羽嫺的詞中看見看愛情的細膩成分。

曾在中外商公關角色工作,翁羽嫺並不是一般想像中亮澄澄的創作才女,反之是具有一些對社會現象與個人生活反芻思考的創作新人。謝令威的濃眉大眼中,則彰顯了他年輕即成的創作才華,藉由數年感情的觀點,與戲劇畢業的生活觀察力,唱個小曲兒Chanson trio的組成並非一般歌迷擁戴的偶像氛圍,而字裡行間、音符以內、演奏與演唱一呼一吸,都是情感堆疊與青年志向的展現。

唱片市場目前自發自籌情況,及以往的地下樂團經營模式已經有所轉向,唱片圈普遍鼓勵創作新碟的誕生,此外文化部流行音樂相關部門與民間相關資源,對於音樂創作所謂的不歸路,現在都有適時的資金導入。唱個小曲兒全新創作專輯將於今年度展開籌措,將透過相關方式與演出現場籌募製作款項。由於數位發行線上音樂的流行,唱個小曲兒將透過相關渠道配合業者推出新輯,聯絡唱個小曲兒Chanson trio可透過 FACEBOOK(粉絲團官網互動,請聽眾踴躍支持。


The Rocksteady Sextet (10pm till late)

A night of Bebop featuring music by

Charlie Parker, John Coltrane, Wes Montgomery, Miles Davis and many more.


Drums – Adam James Sorensen

Double Bass – Vincent Hsu

Piano – Matthew James Fullen

Flugelhorn – Olivier Baron

Guitar – Steve Smith


Vincent Hsu:

Vincent (Tsung Yu) Hsu was born in Changhua, Taiwan, and grew up in Kaoushiung. He moved to New York in 2002 to pursue his masters degree in TESOL at The City College of the City University of New York (CCNY). Meanwhile, he began studying acoustic bass with master musicians, including Cecil McBee,Victor Venegas, Andy González, and John Schaeffer (former Principal Bassist for the New York Philharmonic.) After receiving his Master’s degree, Vincent was accepted into the undergraduate jazz program at CCNY, where he studied with world-renowned bassist, John Patitucci. Vincent received his bachelor’s degree in Jazz Performance from CCNY in 2008 and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Jazz Performance at NYU, where he studies with Brian Lynch, Rich Shemaria, Martin Wind, Bill Drummond, Don Frieman and Ralph Alessi.

Vincent has played at various jazz venues such as Blue Note, Jazz Gallery, St. Nick’s Pub, Jules Bistro, Puppets Jazz Bar, Bowery Poetry Club, Shrine, Arturo’s, Garage, Greenwich Village Bistro, Big Apple Jazz/ EZ’s Woodshed, Aaron Davis Hall/ CUNY Jazz Festival, Taipei Economic and Culture Center, and Smalls.

Vincent also has strong passion in Latin and Afro-Cuban music. He is one of the founders of the traditional Cuban band—Sarah Y Su Cachito—who regularly performs authentic Cuban and Latin jazz in New York. In addition to live performance, Vincent also devotes himself to jazz talks and lecture demonstrations in hopes of introducing jazz music and its history to the public. In the summer of 2010, Vincent moved back from New York and founded Soy La Ley Afro-Cuban Jazz Band and the Freefall Jazz Band in Taiwan. As a leader he has been featured at the 2012 and 2014 Summer Jazz Festival of National Theater and Concert Hall, 2010-2014 Taichung Jazz Festival, and numerous jazz venues in Taiwan. As a music director, Vincent initiated “Clave de Cuba Festival,” a multi-disciplinary art festival and collaboration with the National Taiwan University Center for the Arts. He is currently the lecturer at the National Taiwan University of the Arts. His debut album, “Homeland,” released in 2014, has won “The Best Jazz Album of the Year” by the 5th Golden Indie Music Award in Taiwan.

Adam James Sorensen

Born in Chicago, Sorensen studied Anthropology at Western Illinois University immediately after high school, but was restless and left his studies after only 3 semesters. His desire to explore first led him to Salt Lake City. While there he renewed his focus on music, and performed, recorded and toured as a sideman with several bands. He soon relocated to New York City to pursue his music career, immersed himself in NY’s thriving music scene, and finished a BFA in performance at the New School University. As he began to perform regularly in both Europe and the U.K., he chose to again relocate. While spending his time in Barcelona, Edinburgh, Berlin and Paris, he continued his music career in Europe for three years before choosing to return to Chicago in 2009.

Matthew James Fullen

Matthew Fullen is a master’s student in NTNU’s Graduate Institute of Ethnomusicology. He is a composer and jazz pianist, and his major is multimedia applications.

Matthew Fullen was born and grew up in Colorado, in the United States, and earned his Bachelor of Music Composition from the University of Northern Colorado, studying under Dr. Paul Elwood. He has also studied composition with John McLaird, Kris Falk, and Chingwen Chao, and has studied jazz/improvisation with Dana Landry, Steve Barta, Art Lande, and Adam Benjamin.

Matthew began serving as bandleader for the singer Joanna Wang in 2013 and continues to do so. Both with Joanna and with others he performs regularly in Taiwan, China, and Hong Kong, and has also performed in New York City and Glastonbury, England. He plays jazz standards, swing music, and modern jazz in a variety of settings, including with many vocalists. In March, 2015, he will recorded and will release his first album, entitled Intuition.


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