Thomas Hu & Friends

▪︎Music Starts 表演 :
▪︎Music Charge 門票:
$300.+ (低消一杯飲料
+ Minimum One Drink Purchase)
▪︎Door Open at 20:00 入場
(Serving food & Drink /供餐飲)
● Thomas Hu & Friends
職業歌手兼長號手湯瑪士,擅長西洋藍調爵士搖擺司卡雷鬼風格,活躍於音樂圈多年。三十多年的演出歷練造就了多元化的舞台能量,帶給觀眾歡樂無比的娛樂經驗。15歲開始公開表演以來,多次參與各式國際級演出,18歲曾與美國靈魂皇后Aretha Franklin同台演唱,回台後曾以壁虎大樂隊入圍第十四屆金曲獎最佳樂團,參與庾澄慶、張惠妹、五月天、魏如萱、宇宙人、徐佳瑩、糯米團等知名藝人團體受聘合作演出,以及成功經營獨立樂團SKARAOKE,造訪國內外各音樂節。
Event description:
All aboard on the train to Christmas town with Thomas and friends, bringing you his favorite holiday tunes and all time classics, featuring Grace Weng on piano, Ikeda Kinya on the bass, and Stephen Ma on drums!
▪︎訂位請撥02-25819874 週二至週六19:30後。
For reservation please call 02-25819874 after 19:30 Tues ~Sat.
▪︎Business Hour 營業時間 : 20:00~凌晨2:00/3:00(二·五·六/Tue·Fri·Sat)

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