Woman’s Soul Night

Woman’s Soul Night


Entrance Fee 門票: $200

music starts 表演 : 9.30pm

Mimi Lee:

Los Angeles based singer Mimi Lee discovered music early on in her life through her passion for dance and singing. She began singing in high school at many local talent shows, and became a finalist on ETTV’s Top Idol Singing Competition. Through her performances and curiosity for music, she slowly discovered the genres of music that really spoke to her. She has a deep appreciation for all styles of music, but her favorite genres fall under soul, neo-soul, jazz, and r&b. Major influences in her life include Etta James, Nina Simone, Amy Winehouse, Corinne Bailey Rae, Stevie Wonder, and Lauryn Hill. Mimi wants to create a lively music environment with a little spunk through her music and hopes that it will bring people and friends together.

Shiny 簡介:
音樂歷程:從小喜愛音樂與唱歌,10 歲在校學習樂
器”二胡 ”進而開啟了音樂之路
15 歲進 入了北
京現代音樂學院進修成績優秀。 19歲時結識了音樂製
融合流行與爵士,渾厚輕盈的演唱,以及富有魅力的表演,這就是Shiny ,持續閃耀的爵士芭比.

The Band: Adriano“高飛”Moreira on Drums

Wei Chi “大頭”Chang on Bass

Martin “Musa” Musaubach on Ke

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