Parker 51 + Late Night Jam Hosted by Sappho Jazz Band

▪︎Door Open 入場: 8:00pm(Serving food & Drink /供餐飲) ▪︎Music Starts/表演 :● 9:00pm~11:00pm《 Parker 51 》 ▪︎Music Charge/音樂門票 $500.(上下兩場/每場低消一杯飲料)(Minimum of one drink purchase is required per set) ● 11:30pm~1:30am 《 Late Night Jam Hosted by Sappho Jazz Band 》 ▪︎Music Charge/門票 : $300.(低消一杯飲料/ Minimum of one drink purchase) ☆來Jam 的樂手11pm後免費入場,低消1杯飲料.Musicians playing at the jam sessions free entrance…..

爵士老皮 Jazz the Dog + Late Night Jam Hosted by Sappho Jazz Band

▪︎Door Open 入場 : 8:00pm(Serving food & Drink /供餐飲) ▪︎Music Starts/Charge 表演/音樂門票 :● 9:00pm~$500.《 爵士老皮 Jazz the Dog 》●11:30pm~$300.《 Late Night Jam Hosted by Sappho Jazz Band 》 ————————————————-▪︎低消2杯飲料 /Minimum 2 Drinks Purchase ☆ 來Jam的樂手11pm後免費入場,低消1杯飲料.Musicians playing at the jam sessions free entrance after 11pm + Minimum One Drink Purchase====================================● 9:00pm爵士老皮 Jazz the Dog 老皮是阿寶最好的朋友兼繼兄。他是能夠變大縮小的狗,依照“魔法狗族”,已30餘歲。他的魔法能讓他伸縮自如,從巨大到迷你的任何身體部位。他作他精力充沛的弟弟的心腹和導師,生性相當玩世不恭。老皮在大多數情況下很悠閒,但喜歡冒險及急切戰鬥,和爵士樂非常類似。他的力量能協助阿寶相當多數的戰鬥及運送,但有時是愉快的表現。爵士老皮將帶來一個晚上,向老皮說你好的爵士音樂。 ===============================訂位請撥0225819874 週二至週六晚上7:30後。For…..

The Tuesday Jazz Jam

The Sappho Tuesday Jazz Jam Come along to enjoy the house band, or if you play, bring your instrument and jam along. All welcome to this weekly event. Entrance Fee 入場費: $200 + 低消1杯飲料 $200 + Minimum 1 Drink Purchase Musicians playing at the jam sessions FREE entrance with Minimum One Drink Purchase 來Jam的樂收免費入場,低消1杯飲料.   Bar Opens…..

The Thursday Blues Jam

The Thursday Blues Jam every week at Sappho! Come along to enjoy the house band and other musicians, or if you play, bring your instrument and jam along. All welcome to this weekly event. Entrance Fee 入場費: $200 + 低消1杯飲料Minimum 1 Drink Purchase   Bar Opens 開始營業 : 8pm serving food and drinks   Music Starts 表演…..

The Tuesday Jazz Jam

The Sappho Tuesday Jazz Jam Come along to enjoy the house band, or if you play, bring your instrument and jam along. All welcome to this weekly event. Entrance Fee 入場費: $200 + 低消1杯飲料 $200 + Minimum 1 Drink Purchase Musicians playing at the jam sessions FREE entrance with Minimum One Drink Purchase 來Jam的樂收免費入場,低消1杯飲料.   Bar Opens…..

The Thursday Blues Jam

The Thursday Blues Jam every week at Sappho! Come along to enjoy the house band and other musicians, or if you play, bring your instrument and jam along. All welcome to this weekly event. Entrance Fee 入場費: $200 + 低消1杯飲料Minimum 1 Drink Purchase   Bar Opens 開始營業 : 8pm serving food and drinks   Music Starts 表演…..

The Tuesday Jazz Jam

The Sappho Tuesday Jazz Jam Come along to enjoy the house band, or if you play, bring your instrument and jam along. All welcome to this weekly event. Entrance Fee 入場費: $200 + 低消1杯飲料 $200 + Minimum 1 Drink Purchase Musicians playing at the jam sessions FREE entrance with Minimum One Drink Purchase 來Jam的樂收免費入場,低消1杯飲料.   Bar Opens…..

The Thursday Blues Jam

The Thursday Blues Jam every week at Sappho! Come along to enjoy the house band and other musicians, or if you play, bring your instrument and jam along. All welcome to this weekly event. Entrance Fee 入場費: $200 + 低消2杯飲料 $200 + Minimum 2 Drinks Purchase Musicians playing at the jam sessions FREE entrance with Minimum One…..

The Tuesday Jazz Jam

The Sappho Tuesday Jazz Jam Come along to enjoy the house band, or if you play, bring your instrument and jam along. All welcome to this weekly event. Entrance Fee 入場費: $200 + 低消1杯飲料 $200 + Minimum 1 Drink Purchase Musicians playing at the jam sessions FREE entrance with Minimum One Drink Purchase 來Jam的樂收免費入場,低消1杯飲料.   Bar Opens…..

The Thursday Blues Jam

The Thursday Blues Jam every week at Sappho! Come along to enjoy the house band and other musicians, or if you play, bring your instrument and jam along. All welcome to this weekly event. Entrance Fee 入場費: $200 + 低消1杯飲料Minimum 1 Drink Purchase   Bar Opens 開始營業 : 8pm serving food and drinks   Music Starts 表演…..